The Lethal thrash metal attack

Erik said:
YHBT, YHL, HAND :grin:
Dammit, I'm not l33t enough to figure out what you're trying to tell me...

Erik said:
Nothing, can't be worse than the bass guitar can it :grin:
That's it, I'm coming to Sweden this weekend just to kick your ass. You buying the beer, or should I bring extra spendin' cash? :grin:
Okay, I looked up YHBT, YHL, HAND. I like that acronym, gonna have to remember it. Also I knew you were messing around, your :grin: on the first comment gave that away. :grin:

Although the common stereotype of "bass is easy" is there for a reason. Many (in fact, probably most in metal) will freely admit that they started the instrument because it's easier than guitar. Now, I didn't start that way, but for many many years now I've thought it was pretty cool that I didn't have to worry about chords, and also that playing a simple power chord on a bass can turn people's heads. :lol:
If you fuckers don't download those tracks and say it's the most tormenting devastation you've ever heard and that you got so scared when you heard it you immediately called your mother(s) to see if they were OK I'll be pissed off.
I already tried to tell them about the other Lethal, and how Programmed is a great album. I've been subsequently convinced that that wasn't really their name because obviously their is only one true Lethal. :)