The Longship Voyage!

Can you imagine it on Top Gear if we wrote in?

Clarkson: Hammond, your presence is required on a longboat.
Hamster: A longboat?!
Clarkson: Yes, these two want to make a Viking of you apparently.
May: Weren't the Vikings generally taller than Hammond?

etc etc...we should so write in!

Without starting a mass insult war like the other thread...
Have you seen the general height array of Finland, with the exception of a few, Hamster would fit in rather well:p

Sorry for dragging up an old post i'll go back and read the rest of the thread now:lol:
Without starting a mass insult war like the other thread...
Have you seen the general height array of Finland, with the exception of a few, Hamster would fit in rather well :p

Good point, well made.

Our argument for having Hamster on board grows stronger by the minute!

*plots to kidnap Hammond*
Good point, well made.

Our argument for having Hamster on board grows stronger by the minute!

*plots to kidnap Hammond*

Why kidnap him, I'm pretty sure he'd be more than delighted to sail in the longship.
Not too sure about the gig though :p

I'm having a geek moment and want an 'r' on the end of voyage:headbang:
Dear Top Gear,

We are fans of a Viking Metal band called Turisas, who are known for being, well, Vikingish. For some time now we have been planning a longship voyage around the UK to coincide with dates on the Dragonforce tour, for which they are the main support act. We have varying levels of expertise in Vikingly behaviour - ale quaffing is a particular speciality - and would like you to take part in our voyage. We propose that James May and his harem of named spanners be put in charge of longship production (we would like wheels and a motor for inland gigs), and that Jeremy be alongside at a respectable distance in order to be The Enemy. This will involve taking potshots at His Prattishness, and possibly bodily injury, but as Clarkson himself pointed out on Jonathan Ross' show, Top Gear's ratings go up when presenters are injured.

Richard Hammond will be taken onboard the longship as obligatory totty for the wenches - this is not optional, and we make no guarantees that he will return unmolested. We believe the wenches are aware of his married status, but we cannot guarantee that this fact will be remembered at all times during the voyage, or at all. We regret that we cannot, under any circumstances, accomodate Mindy Hammond.

We look forward to hearing from you,

The Turisas Longship Horde
hahahahaha that would clearly be the best letter Top Gear have ever received!!!!

and Mika's right... you put hamster next to Olli and he'd look tall!!!

Obviously. Can't you just see Clarkson reading it out? :lol:

And I presume you mean Olli would look tall...because the only way Hamster would look tall is stood next to a five year old :p

I'm far too attractive to be mere "totty".

Well, you're certainly far too 'something' to be totty. 'Hairy' springs to mind...
Obviously. Can't you just see Clarkson reading it out? :lol:

And I presume you mean Olli would look tall...because the only way Hamster would look tall is stood next to a five year old :p

Well, you're certainly far too 'something' to be totty. 'Hairy' springs to mind...

haha oh yes! and the stupid thing is they'd probably want to do it just for the crazyness!!!

awwww poor likkle hamster