The Longship Voyage!

If its ever needed, I'll give you a piggy back XP

I'm quite sure you could get some platforms in Camden that would boosted you up a bit more...ok so you wouldn't be able to walk in them, but you could just stand there and look important
Uberplatforms wouldnae work m'afraid. I'm too used to charging around like a very chargy thing to be happy in one spot for any length of time ;)

To be fair, the platforms I've got are pretty huge, AND I can run around in them - best of both worlds! :D

Thanks for the piggyback offer though, will bear that in mind next time I have trouble :p
5ft 10" without shoes on....hangon I'm on your side!
*puts boots on*

@Katie, well if you turn up whilst the band is still sound checking *and wearing skinny jeans...'hypocrites'* Its not hard to get to the front:lol:

haha i know but the random swearing vocal soundcheck was rather amusing:

Katie; what's he saying
mika; he's swearing
*five minutes later*
Katie' what's he saying now
mika; he's still swearing