The Lotus Eater

1:50 is one of the most beautiful vocal efforts in an Opeth song IMO. Blastbeats with clean voice :O great, just love the song!so fucking addictive!

Watershed will be the album of the year!!
I don't see how anyone could NOT like what we've heard so far of Watershed, I loved them all but this one will probably be my favorite since Deliverance, and looks to be heavy as fuck! (Something that GR lacked, except TGC, which I listen to every time I put that album on, it's just colossal!)

So in my book, this album is a smashing success. I don't think I've been affected in such a way by music since I heard Still Life!

And I can say that without having even heard the whole thing!
I'm pretty discouraged with this album so far. Especially this song. It is way too "avant garde" for my liking. I think Mike ate a handful of mushrooms when he wrote this one. It's like Opeth and Mr. Bungle spawned a child and named him Lotus Eater!
Lets just say Axe has exceeded expectations...

Ok, I want to try and say this without sounding negitive. I personally don't hear the subbtle nuances in Axe's druming that I did with Lopez's. However, I can see how these traits might develop over time, as Axe becomes more and more comfortable with Opeth. Also consider these two guys have completely different backgrounds in drumming, and while we have developed a taste for Lopez's latin roots, some good old asskicking blast beats is a welcome change.

I can say nothing bad about what I've heard from watershed, it's very technical and very tight.:headbang:
I really love this track. Opeth promised us something different, and they delivered the goods.

I especially like the part around 5:50. The more Opeth experiments, the longer they'll be relevant to the music world. If they just stuck to the same old shit every album, they might as well just call it a career and quit.
I honestly can't wait until Opeth sounds more and more like "Unexpect". The good parts of Unexpect of course. :D
This song just kicked me in the balls... and I apologised.

Amazing stuff -- loving how it's all over the place. Would have liked more goarvocals, but I really can't complain. Looking forward to the album more than ever!!!
The clean vocal/blast beat thing reminds me a bit of Anaal Nathrakh (I like it). The growls are awesome in this song. I like that wierd 'nintendo' bit. Only thing I'm kind of meh on is the talking thing in the end. Maybe if I look at the lyrics I might find some connection... I don't know... as it is... i feel like - it's like an actor breaking out of character.
Nah, most of GR is waaaay better than Porcelain Heart, and Lotus Eater is on the same level of Ghost of Perdition and Baying of the Hounds.

Yes and Yes.

I think this album has potential to be on the same level of GR, but I think it will be hard for it to be surpass ghost reveries.
I dont know about it being better than Ghost Reveries, but it brings up what I love most about being an Opeth fan. I know that no matter what, I'm at least gonna get a fucking kickass album. It may not be the best album or even their best album, but theyre all great to me in different ways. If you'll notice a lot of the criticism for Opeth albums is so nit-picky. It's never a question to me whether or not an album will be good, it's just how good it will be.
I'm fucking loving the new songs, seriously. I can't get enough of them. And while I'm too lazy to read through all replies in this thread, I can see a lot of negative stuff being said... Seriously, give it a few more listens. It'll probably grow on you.