The "Love Thy Enemy" thread...

Sucks ass, but again, what does anyone expect?

I remember some Arab-looking (the one guy I remember was actually Indian) people were killed in the US shortly after 9/11.
the "poor" kid being beheaded went to Iraq to make money from a war
And after doing his "job" the american soldiers warned him to leave Iraq, but his greed made him stay.
I HATED the video, but he had it coming.
Markgugs say some things about the hundrends (if not thousands) really poor kids who were killed from american bombing .
I could never watch that video.

I once saw the footage to "unknown soldier" that was on the web. A Russian soldier had been captured by Chechnyan rebels, and they used a 12" military knife to decaptiate him. They basically stood on his head and 'sawed' through his neck until the head was detatched from the body.

I'll never forget that for the rest of my life, so I don't need to see it again.

The fact is, going into Iraq was the biggest fuck up in modern history for both military and all the greedy businessmen that followed. Really, I fail to see a greater military or political mistake in the last 30 years.

Obviously nothing was learned from Serbia, Croatia & Bosnia, which is exactly what will happen in Iraq (probably by around August of this year) when civil war starts between Shia, Sunni, and Kurdish sects. And then of course we can send in NATO blue berets and let them standby and watch everyone massacre each other into mass graves.

Then the west will appoint a new leader who will eventually become another Saddam-like enemy when he is no longer co-operating with America down the line. Anyone wanna post the picture of Donald Rumsfeld shaking hands with Saddam? That one always makes me chuckle.

Should have just sent in the SAS to assassinate Saddam, and make it look like a homegrown insurgent attack. No WMD's, no democracy, no freedom. Just remove the dictator and let nature take it's course.
IOfTheStorm said:
the "poor" kid being beheaded went to Iraq to make money from a war
And after doing his "job" the american soldiers warned him to leave Iraq, but his greed made him stay.
I HATED the video, but he had it coming.
BULLSHIT, bullshit, bullshit. He was an innocent civilian, who did absolutely NOTHING to die in such a horrible manner.

"went to Iraq to make money from a war"...... you are so full of shit.

"but he had it coming" why!!! what the FUCK did he do to deserve it?
I didnt say he deserved it, but he didnt leave the country when the soldiers told him too, in order to make MORE MONEYY
and why do you deny that he went to Iraq to make money from the war?
Thats what he did.
And all who are making money from a "dead" post-war, full of injuries and pain country are of the worst kind of "humans"
If you sometime see some news these terrorists dont j kidnapp and kill just some random "civilians".
And what i hate the most is that you ALL question and speak about this guy's fate, while you simply accept the fate of thousands of Iraquis that american troops or bombs killed, by saying "its war man, what can you do about it"
IOfTheStorm said:
in order to make MORE MONEYY
and why do you deny that he went to Iraq to make money from the war?
Thats what he did.
why don't you actually explain yourself. how, just how, did this man plan on making "more money" at the expense of the deaths of Iraqi civilians like you so claim, thus making him one of the worst "humans" on the planet.
Well, he did go to Iraq to find work. I'm looking at this like I look at missionaries that get caught up in a foreign country's laws or militant groups: Do they deserve torture and death? No. Should they have known better and stayed the fuck out of a volatile region? Yes.
NAD: I think he had his own business
did this man plan on making "more money" at the expense of the deaths of Iraqi civilians like you so claim

I didnt say that

I say that exploiting a country like Iraq now, is horrible, and when you do it you accept the consequences of your actions. He knew all the dangers but stayed there, was he of the Red Cross? no, from Medecins sans frontiers? No A soldier? No . He was a bussinesman.

Bussinessmen who smell money and go there deserve their fate.

WHY did he have to go? And WHY he did not left the country when the soldiers told him to do it?

SO what was the reason that made him stay?




HOW does being a businessman deserve a fate like that. HOW. what exactly was he doing that he shouldn't have been doing. and don't tell me "not leaving Iraq". i want an answer related to the war, because thats exactly what you are relating him to. why can't you be specific. what does his business have anything to do with the war? do you even know?
IOfTheStorm said:
Markgugs say some things about the hundrends (if not thousands) really poor kids who were killed from american bombing .
You're missing the point.

The original thread had to do with how "deplorable" and "despicable" the actions of the handful of U.S. soliders were in humiliating the Iraqi prisoners.

My point is simply that you don't see U.S. troops BEHEADING people. That was a televised murder, period. It's not comparable to bring up civilian casualties that result from errant air force strikes. I mean, it's just not. Regardless of how much you try to turn everything into a soapbox from which you can yell your anti-war hoo-hah.

Nevertheless, this thread wasn't designed to be a platform for pro- or anti-war feelings, btw. It's about how one country's soldiers acted poorly, and how another country's "soldiers" acted ever more poorly, nothing more.
JayKeeley said:
The fact is, going into Iraq was the biggest fuck up in modern history for both military and all the greedy businessmen that followed. Really, I fail to see a greater military or political mistake in the last 30 years.
Ali, you can't honestly be serious here. This is NOT EVEN CLOSE to what Vietnam turned out to be. I mean, it's really not even close, and we had less of a reason to be there strange as it seems.

Hmm, though I guess that would explain your 30-year cut-off. Nevermind, I forgot it's 2004. :D
You're missing the point
If i am missing that point, you are missing the entire point about war on Iraq. An american businessman who was killed is tragic for you, your country's soldiers and bombs killing children is just "normal". And as i said: "And what i hate the most is that you ALL question and speak about this guy's fate, while you simply accept the fate of thousands of Iraquis that american troops or bombs killed, by saying "its war man, what can you do about it"
HOW does being a businessman deserve a fate like that. HOW. what exactly was he doing that he shouldn't have been doing. and don't tell me "not leaving Iraq". i want an answer related to the war, because thats exactly what you are relating him to. why can't you be specific. what does his business have anything to do with the war? do you even know?
As i said twice
"I say that exploiting a country like Iraq now, is horrible, and when you do it you accept the consequences of your actions."
"And all who are making money from a "dead" post-war, full of injuries and pain country are of the worst kind of "humans"
This is why you annoy the fuck out of me.

Because you INSIST on taking a simple thread and turning it into your fucking anti-war soapbox. TAKE IT ELSEWHERE. Start your own thread, title it "US, get out of Iraq!" or whatever the fuck else is your feeling of the day.


The U.S. soldiers' behavior in treating the Iraqi prisoners badly vs.
The Iraqi/al Qaeda terrorists' behavior in murdering a HUMAN BEING for television.

That's it. If I could speak Greek, I'd fucking say it your language.
US, get out of Iraq!

Why that guy was murdered, why he was there, why he did not left, why the terrorists did not release him (like they released many others) of that guy is about this war IN GENERAL, mr einstein