The "Love Thy Enemy" thread...

markgugs said:
...would have taken a real nice turn with the events of that poor kid being beheaded, dontcha think?

ChiefB, where are your comments on that?
... Welll, at least he wasn't anally raped!
markgugs said:
This is NOT EVEN CLOSE to what Vietnam turned out to be. I mean, it's really not even close, and we had less of a reason to be there strange as it seems.
This is a very interesting statement that you made. How do you know that this is not that close to Vietnam? Had you been around during the Vietnam war (watching it from the comfort of your home with your feet up and drinking beer to the US war propaganda) you would be spouting the same vitriolic patriotic tone against the viet con . . . and then thirty years later after the real truth had come out, you would then question the judgement of your own country, but by then it would too late. History has a habit of biting you in the ass.
ChiefB said:
This is a very interesting statement that you made. How do you know that this is not that close to Vietnam? Had you been around during the Vietnam war (watching it from the comfort of your home with your feet up and drinking beer to the US war propaganda) you would be spouting the same vitriolic patriotic tone against the viet con . . . and then thirty years later after the real truth had come out, you would then question the judgement of your own country, but by then it would too late. History has a habit of biting you in the ass.
For starters, we didn't even enter Vietnam under false pretense of an actual reason; it's just what "had to be done." Unless of course you consider the sinking of the (I forget the name, Lusitania?) battleship as a reason.

I was mostly stating that it's not possible to consider today's events in Iraq as much of a FUBAR situation as Vietnam because hell, Vietnam lasted well over a decade. Has Iraq? I MEAN THIS WAR SMART-ASSES; as much as you'd like to say it's so, it's not a continuation of the Gulf War. Tens of thousands of soldiers died in Vietnam. By comparison, less than 700 have died in Iraq & Afghanistan combined.

Now show me where I've "spouted vitriolic patriotic tone." Please, I'll wait. I've said all along I will always support our troops and nation. But I've also said that I wasn't sure we belonged there. I clearly said I didn't like that we were there under false pretenses.

Now, are you going to make a reasonably intelligent comment, or just continuing deep throating your own foot? :Smug:

Zing that motherfuckers.
Yeah, my zing was meant for ChiefB's first post, the "well at least he wasn't anally raped!" bit.

Hmm, just noticed JayKeeley's post, I missed it earlier. I don't need to say anything else concerning this issue, he covers all my points. :tickled:
markgugs said:
Confessor, eh? Do tell.

there's a thread here man! but umm... they used to be on Earache years back and were rather strange, especially the guy's singing. But the new song is Doom in the vein of Solitude Aeturnus/CAthedral/Sabbath. I hope the whole album is that way.
Hmmm, very occasionally. Love Sabbath of course, but I don't worship them like the NADster. Never heard Solitude Aeternus before. I've only heard 1 Cathedral album too (yeah, I know, for shame).

I'm way more into the more modern stoner doom stuff, and even then, in small doses when I'm in the right mood.
Bring it back full circle!

The United States are neither united, nor states. Discuss.


Nevermind, that doesn't work either. D'oh.
Well I've said this before on this board and in life outside of the net. This country is being run by a very select few of very very smart people in major positions of power. They have figured out how to slowly strip Americans of their freedom under the guise of "protecting us from ourselves." We are the frogs sitting in a pot of cold water while they slowly turn up the heat and before we know it, we will be boiled to death. Thse people in power know exactly what they are doing and the Republicans have been guilty of the same thing that Dems have been trying to do for a long long time, make us helpless and to rely on the government for our needs. We are slowly becoming a socialized country and everyone seems to blind or stupid to see it. While I never fully read the book "Altas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand, I know the general principle of it. The 'takers' of society, the leeches if you will grew bigger and bigger and felt owed by those successful until the producers left them by the wayside and left the country so that the 'takers' would have to fend for themselves.

Well, we are heading that way folks...we have demonized the rich so much so that they will no longer invest their money to start businesses which inevitably lead to jobs for the public. Instead they seek to hide their money, afraid of having to give more and more and more to a greedy government who in turn gives it back to those who do nothing but smoke crack, have baby after baby, and scream "ain't nobody wanna give me no job!" The Government has convinced many a person that we, the people, cannot take care of ourselves and to let the government do things for we have a large group of teet suckers...waiting to suck from the government. Meanwhile people have become so reliant on the government that they don't mind losing a right here and there, and before we know it, we won't have any more rights to lose. There are far more people like us in this country, those who love what America used to be, but we truly are the "silent majority" and we say nothing while the heavy hand of Government plods along. We have more laws upon laws than ever before, I hear people saying "I don't mind giving up a little bit of freedom if it means more protection." That right there should outrage us, we should never have to sacrifice our frieedoms in order to ensure our right to be safe!! Yet we are doing it.

I remember a time when we referred to America as a "Melting Pot" and I'm sure you do too. While we were never perfect, that was a time when everyone was proud to be an American and individual cultures were held onto within the home. Now we have everyone's culture being forced into our faces in the name of Diversity...which in essence is another name for separation. We don't celebrate the American culture, we say we are rich in diversity, pointing out everyones differences, showing everyone that hey, I don't have to be an American. You can't spank your kid, you can't smoke, you can't say white, black or mexican, now it's caucasian, african american and latino. EVERYTHING about this country has changed and not one iota of it has been for the better.

We are a country that is afraid to offend the world yet lets the world insult as at every turn while we stand there grinning from ear to ear. We fund our enemies and then act surprised that they turn on us. We are weak and the world knows it, our leaders know it, and the rising class of governmental dependents know this. We will crumble unless those who are tired of seeing this great Nation fall by the wayside stand up and take back what we once were, a proud United (not diversified) America.