Know thy Enemy


Sep 7, 2001
I think this desrves its own thread, I hope it will open a good discussion, here is what was said,

Originally posted by SentencedToBurn
i love how these stupid terrorist think they will be rewarded for their stupid fucking beleifs. where do they get these ideas in their sick stupid heads. i think the stench from them not showering is affecting their brains. they think they are martyr's for this???!!! no they are assholes, not martyrs. They dont deserve to live! DIE FUCKERS!

I would just like to say this kind of drastic under-estimation of the enemy shown by SentencedToBurn is quite dangerous. Look where not appreciating the capabilities of Bin Landen and his followers has gotten us . The saying goes keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. People fail to realize that Bin Laden is a hero to not thousands, but millions of the Islam. America needs to drastically alter its handlings in the Middle East; I think that much is obvious. When you are as powerful as the United States you have to play fair (for lack of a better phrase) and when you have not played fair, like the United States has failed to do, you piss off a shit load of people.
Yea, the russians for example, i dont think they thought to much about this population of barbarians doing any damage to their state of the art military force.