When you know Opeth is lost to us...


paradox placebo
Nov 23, 2002
I dread the day that they cut their hair. It's just a thought and I felt it's not that terribly important but I felt like mentioning it. Lots of fans compare Opeth to Metallica, listing Blackwater Park as their "Black" album (career turning point from good to bad). Well, they're still able to rock and I wouldn't consider their latter albums as bad, but with Deliverance (a heavy album lacking much of their prior emotion) and Damnation (a soft album lacking their trademark intensity) they have much to prove with their next release. So what exactly is to come of them, and do any of you think they might go yuppie and cut their hair? And if they do, do you believe it would imminently lead to them sucking like oh-so-many bands (rock and metal alike) before them? Not necessarily leading to them sucking, but a sign of suckage to come, perhaps.

Just a thought, not necessarily an opinion. Discuss.
They will continue to fucking kick ass.

Funny how you mention the parallels between Metallica and Blackwater Park, as both albums were the bands' 5th release. However, Blackwater Park is not a sellout, or a dumbing down of Opeth, just a refinement with beautiful production.

Considering their previous demonstrations of musical genius and integrity, I think Opeth will have to work hard to let us down. 7 albums that all kick ass..It seems as though they can do no wrong. Let's hope it is true.
We can never say it'll never happen. Look at old, old Metallica interviews where they hated the mainstream and didn't want to make a music video or anything. So even if it seems like it won't happen, it's always a possibility. Money and power are EVIL!

That said, I can't see this happening to Opeth. I guess the people who compare the Black Album to Blackwater Park (oh no they both have "black" in them, it must be true!) would liken Bob Rock to Steve Wilson? This is ridiculous. I've gained a new respect for Wilson after watching the DVD documentary, he seems like a genius, a great guy, and a wonderful contributor. He doesn't care about making he band sound more commercial, especially when his own music is so far from mainstream.

Opeth, IMHO, will continue to make great music until they decide to break up or move on to other projects.
Opeth will never sell-out! I genuinely feel they care about the music. Oh and one other thing this post is lame. Wtf the length of their hair is responsible for their musicianship? Thats asinine to say the least. BWP, Deliverance, Damnation all fucking rule man! If you don't think these albums are as good as the old stuff you have issues.

P.S Metallica needs Steve Wilson ;)
AllWithin, it's cool that your music taste has evolved from Metallica fanboyism to something different...but, your posts still reek of stupidity all the damn time. "Oh and one other thing this post is lame." Well sorry man, not nearly as lame as yours. If you could see past the sentence about hair you might see that Phoenix is questioning what happens next too.
The worst Opeth could do now is making another somewhat simple album on their scale that takes Deliverance even further, thus making a "heavy" album in the vein of Deliverance, not My Arms Your Hearse. I'm just hoping for something very different from Deliverance. It is a pretty good album, but I don't want to hear another one.

Now about your post, first of all, whether the new albums are as good as the old ones is an opinion, but the new stuff is definitely more simple. Or maybe well-structured is the word, I dunno. I don't think I have any issues concerning music even though I think that the old stuff is better (before Blackwater Park, though, so the term "old stuff" is a little loose there).
Secondly, stop wawing the term "sell out" all over the damn place. This isn't directed merely at you.

(Metallica needs to quit (but not before I see them in May))
I too am old enough to remember metallica back in the 80's.. I thought they would never sell out and make videos and drop the lead guitar solo's.. but the money & greed took over I guess and along comes the black album, and load...

The only thing I could compare with Opeth and Metallica are some of Opeths guitar tones. The heavy chunky sound sometimes sounds like Metallicas old tone, (All Base, no Mids & half highs). Opeth are getting a little older, and I am interested to see what becomes of them.
metallica black album= 20 million copies sold

opeth Blackwater Park= almost 100,000 copies sold? (i'm guessing)

please....until Opeth totall breaks open into the mainstream they deserve no "selloutica" comparisons.
This is fucking stupid. Theres been threads like this in the past. I doubt they would ever cut their hair. Mike even replied to similar thread a year ago about not even considering cutting his hair.
They don't have shit to prove to anyone with their upcoming album. They write what they want to hear. It's just your opinion that the last few releases haven't been so great.

Why does Damnation come as a surprise to most people?
Shortly after the release of Blackwater Park, there was talk of a double album, one normal heavy one, and a experimental mellow one.
the_drip said:
metallica black album= 20 million copies sold

opeth Blackwater Park= almost 100,000 copies sold? (i'm guessing)

please....until Opeth totall breaks open into the mainstream they deserve no "selloutica" comparisons.

Actually someone posted saying bwp only sold about 40,000 copies I could be wrong. As far as you go fourth horseman. Sorry you found my post to be lame. I'll try to be more articulate next time ;) Anywho I enjoy the old stuff just as much as the new. The moral of my rant is that opeth isn't declining in greatness with every release. Each album is great in its own way. Sure orchid, Mayh, morningrise were excellent albums with plenty of unorthodox arrangements that kept the listener guessing. But damnation, deliverance, bwp kick those albums behind when it comes to having an astmospheric vibe. Some people enjoy the old, some people enjoy the new, some people enjoy it all. I'll leave it at that.
"Deliverance (a heavy album lacking much of their prior emotion)"

I gotta say this, dude, I think you're totally wrong on this one. I've been a bloody Opeth fan in years, and I think Deliverance is one of the, if not the most emotional record they've made.
AllWithinMyMonster said:
The moral of my rant is that opeth isn't declining in greatness with every release. Each album is great in its own way. Sure orchid, Mayh, morningrise were excellent albums with plenty of unorthodox arrangements that kept the listener guessing. But damnation, deliverance, bwp kick those albums behind when it comes to having an astmospheric vibe. Some people enjoy the old, some people enjoy the new, some people enjoy it all. I'll leave it at that.

Well I can't really say anything but that I agree.
Except that I think the greatness has declined with the last three albums, despite them being great. But like you said, some people are bound to like the old stuff more and some the new. Indeed I love it all, just the old ones a bit more...
Sorry about being a little lame with the previous post. :p But just a little.
Yea lol. It's Like Loving your 2 children. But for different reasons. Old Opeth= Great athelete. New Opeth- Academic genius. There both your sons. They just excel at 2 different things. lol. If one of them died you;d cry just the same. Ok I'm not making much sense. I'll shut up now :)
With the exception of Damnation , Opeth went downhill since MAYH (even if SL BWP and D1 are good releases)
estimate said:
"Deliverance (a heavy album lacking much of their prior emotion)"

I gotta say this, dude, I think you're totally wrong on this one. I've been a bloody Opeth fan in years, and I think Deliverance is one of the, if not the most emotional record they've made.
The song Deliverance maintains much emotion, but the rest of the album is slightly lacking as compared to MAYH and Still Life (The Moor and Godhead's Lament for the most part).

alphacorvus said:
Funny how you mention the parallels between Metallica and Blackwater Park, as both albums were the bands' 5th release. However, Blackwater Park is not a sellout, or a dumbing down of Opeth, just a refinement with beautiful production.
I did not state that as an opinion or a self-conscious observation. Plenty of others have referred to BWP as their "black" album. Personally I think BWP and Still Life and MAYH are all equally terrific (MAYH and Still Life are my two favorite albums) and if anything D1 is their less awesome album. It's just that I was watching the Lamentations DVD in awe at the greatness of The Drapery Falls live and wondering what they would look like if they cut their hair....and it just led to me wondering if they could ever make anything as great as Orchid again.

alan said:
This is fucking stupid. Theres been threads like this in the past. I doubt they would ever cut their hair. Mike even replied to similar thread a year ago about not even considering cutting his hair.
They don't have shit to prove to anyone with their upcoming album. They write what they want to hear. It's just your opinion that the last few releases haven't been so great.

Why does Damnation come as a surprise to most people?
Shortly after the release of Blackwater Park, there was talk of a double album, one normal heavy one, and a experimental mellow one.
They don't have shit to prove to YOU, perhaps... but it's a fact that if they don't make something better than D1 and D2 their fanbase may start to thin or shift. They write what they want to hear, and I commend them on it... but they're not supporting themselves and paying themselves are they?

And Damnation didn't come as a surprise to me, I didn't even use that to judge them.. I knew it wouldn't be metal and I didn't expect it to, but I'm just wondering what their next album will sound like and if it isn't better than Deliverance then I may be somewhat disappointed.

Why does this offend you?
GreatPhoenix said:
The song Deliverance maintains much emotion, but the rest of the album is slightly lacking as compared to MAYH and Still Life (The Moor and Godhead's Lament for the most part).
Well, I gotta say that I still disagree. I mean, the first song Wreath is really a mindblower, it took me some time to get me too it, but now I can really feel the good vibration in the songs, when he sings at the end of the song, and he's voice is like really strange, I thinks thats an awesome part (yes, the part with the background vocal thingy). And the soloes are really good and emotional, IMHO.

Masters Apprentices is also a great and VERY emotional track in my oppinion, the middle part with that controlled feedback-solo thingy is really something, and the clean vocals and the lyrics are really enjoyable, including the fact that the last riff is a killer. The first 3/4 minutes are of course not .. emotional.

By The Pain I See In Others is a great song, but I can agree that it's not very like.. emotional. It's fun to play on drums at times, thought. :), but that has nothing to with this, so I leave it be.
I think Opeth is too humble to sell out, they really don't seem to have the ability to sell out.

They should never cut their hair short.
GreatPhoenix said:
I dread the day that they cut their hair. It's just a thought and I felt it's not that terribly important but I felt like mentioning it. Lots of fans compare Opeth to Metallica, listing Blackwater Park as their "Black" album (career turning point from good to bad). Well, they're still able to rock and I wouldn't consider their latter albums as bad, but with Deliverance (a heavy album lacking much of their prior emotion) and Damnation (a soft album lacking their trademark intensity) they have much to prove with their next release. So what exactly is to come of them, and do any of you think they might go yuppie and cut their hair? And if they do, do you believe it would imminently lead to them sucking like oh-so-many bands (rock and metal alike) before them? Not necessarily leading to them sucking, but a sign of suckage to come, perhaps.

Just a thought, not necessarily an opinion. Discuss.
I understand your fears here, but worrying about haircuts is entirely fucking retarted.