The "I love you guys" emo thread


Bill Ward's Red Pants
Oct 21, 2003
The Southland
In light of recent sorrowful events, I think it is now time to re-affirm our unchecked manlove for one another. Who's with me!? Who are the jackasses here that bring a smile to your face, let's hear it.

NATE for listening to SATANIC BLACK METAL and living in the country like a REAL MAN.

GUTHRUM for being my twin-bearded Brother of DOOM.

J. for being a PAIN IN THE ASS for years, but always having good taste to back it up.:)

ERIK for being the forum dickhead who is really just a big softy inside.:kickass: (and he likes good bands)

LURCH for liking BLOOD RED THRONE and SFU when everyone else is a stuck up vunt.:worship:

HENKE for recommending me a thousand bands and having the BALLS to listen to brutal DM.

MFJ for being a fellow mr. V fanboy. You all know you love it, admit it.

NAD for making me laugh til I cry a hundred times

TULLY for not being an ultra-whitey ugly pale chick loving homo like the lot of you. HOT WOMEN FTW!!!!

FOTMBM for being metal as FACK and jumping out of windows for free. *high five*

And the rest of you fags for years of entertaining service. slap hands!
:lol: I love this whole forum. I rediscovered it last week and laughed my ass off for the longest time. i also like the sense of compainionship on here. I don't think anyother forum on UM would organize the kind of charity that is being arranged in lit of Lizard's passing away
Crimson Velvet said:
I enjoy the posts of Reign in Acai, dorian gray, erik, tully and fotmbm.
Likewise dear chap!! :oops: Even though I'm not funny anymore since I'm either too sober or not by the computer

some fag said:
FOTMBM for being metal as FACK and jumping out of windows for free. *high five*
I randomly stumbled upon RC while using the search function to try find out some shit about Graveland. I gto a bunch of results from this forum (from J mostly) and decided to check it out. This forum is funny as fuck and much less annoying than other forums can be *cough* GMD *cough*.

You all rock, most of you guys have posted either something funny enough to make me laugh out loud in front of my PC or a music recommendation that has really impressed me at some point or another, which is why this is the only forum on the 'net that I check on a near-daily basis.