The "Love Thy Enemy" thread...

BloodStainedWalls said:
Woah. That's one of the more eloquently written rants about the current state of the USA I've read of late. Pass on my kudos to your friend.

I'm not sure what I can add to that, other than to say he hits home with a great many points I agree with and have been saying. I have the feeling that while he's too intelligent and well-read to tread a particular party-line, he's someone who leans right of center, much like myself. I'd like to do a pound of blow and discuss with him :D
LOL. He is a good friend of mine on a private Bodybuilding forum. Seeing that I agree on all points as well, which he beat me to in that specific thread, we definitely see eye-to-eye.

I suggest you read that link I posted.
Halfway through, my early favorite statement (and now in my sig):

"In fact, [status] diversity became a strength after the fact. It became necessary to believe in it because skepticism would be 'racist.'"
BloodStainedWalls said:
This just in:

Nick Berg had ties with ZACARIAS MOUSSAOUI

Let's see how this plays out. He was even questioned after 9/11 for possible ties.

I don't get it. If he did indeed have ties, what the fuck did members of al Qaeda cut his fucking head off for? To silence him? Shit, they could have cut his tongue out and accomplished that.

He had ties to the eh hem "enemy" therefore the executioners were actually American or Amercian agents(since they covered their faces there's no telling and is actually a quite plausible scenario) who then killed/filmed him to show on tv to garner more support for Bush's war because of waning interest and criticism?
ahh nahh i'm generally not prone to spout that type of nonsense but you have to agree that in this instance considering our government's less than spectacular track record as of late it is quite possible for something like this to have occured:grin:
blah i don't feel any alliances to left, right or center. i think what i think and feel i know what is right or wrong for myself and others around me whether they be friend or stranger. I agree with certain things from all sides and disagree with some things on all sides which is why i generally stay out of crap like this and just mind my own business :grin: i just read and observe for the most part, carry on good sir!
Besides this recent war, you have no fucking clue.
What about the war in Kossovo, the gulf war?
And what about almost every single war that USA took part. after WWII ?
It wasnt usa's business but usa chose to participate.
so i still hope that this
We are a country that is afraid to offend the world
is a joke
oh and the quote says everything in Present tense,so it talks about NOW, so dont say "besides the recent war"
If you lived in the US for more than 30 seconds you'd realize that that is NOT a joke. Granted, our current president doesn't seem to care who he pisses off, but multiculturalism reigns supreme here, even in cases of fucking MURDER people say "ohhhh, don't judge them, that's just their culture to kill off their neighbors." It's sickening.
markgugs said:
My point is simply that you don't see U.S. troops BEHEADING people. That was a televised murder, period.
Not that I disagree with you, but there are videos now surfacing of American Soldiers murdering Iraqi prisoners on tape.
IOfTheStorm said:
As i said twice
"I say that exploiting a country like Iraq now, is horrible, and when you do it you accept the consequences of your actions."
"And all who are making money from a "dead" post-war, full of injuries and pain country are of the worst kind of "humans"
goddamn it! stop giving me that shit and BE SPECIFIC! i know you think he "exploited Iraq" and that hes "making money of this war full of injuries and pain", but you haven't given me one tiny little bit of info on just how he is doing so. you don't even know how yourself, its just so fucking comfortable to assume that somehow. do you even KNOW what he did? what kind of business did he run? an arms dealer that sold extra weapons to american soldiers? a fucking hot dog stand? you can't give me an actual answer.... because you are full of shit!
Markgugs, you RETARD
Is it neccesary to see it ? If your government (yes your government) comes out and say "we have videos/pictures of gay sex between soldiers and iraqui prisoners", do they have to show it to you too? The terrorists are proud of what they've done, and thats why they wanted to show the video to the whole world. Your government is not (?) proud of the tortures/gay sex/murders of prisoners.
I saw that few hours ago on Cnn (well the used the word "homosexual" instead of "gay", and they said that it was like a porno movie was filmed)
This is for beheading Iraquis too, that bitch who was filming a killed desert snake, saying "that snake killed two prisoners, but who cares" and then says that they killed prisoners.
Iraq doesnt exist either. When they will have pictures of it and videos online then it exists.