The "Love Thy Enemy" thread...

lizard said:
not particularly...but there's one thing I do know...Bush is a pansy who checked the box "I do not volunteer for Vietnam", after the military spent hundreds of thousands training him to fly jets...some people object to kerry's actions when he came back, but he waxed by most accounts at least 30 godless communist bastards.
This unfortunately is my other huge problem with Kerry and why some people are so in favor of him. It seems lots of people - not necessarily you liz - refer to Kerry's military experience, his knowledge of what it's like to "send men to death," etc. But that's an awfully short-sighted way of voting for the leader of the nation.

Yes, Iraq and global issues are a big deal right NOW. But what about everything else that's important? Suppose we vote Kerry into the White House, and the Iraq war fizzles out. Then what? They we have a military veteran with no clue about how to fix the nation's domestic problems, right? Not that Bush does, but I'm just saying. I can't just vote for change for change's sake. That's a terrible way to go IMO.
lizard said:
Iraq on the other hand is a mix of the neocon ideology that we must do our utmost to impose our way of life on other cultures because it is allegedly superior, combined with economic self interest.
Well, that was Plan B. Plan A had something to do with finding hordes of WMD's just scattered about the place.

Bush is perilously close to losing a job he never deserved over this whole mess...unless Kerry really fucks up.
Simple trend analysis will tell you that Bush will win again.

markgugs said:
Either way, Kerry is a shady mothrafocker as well and I have seen ZERO evidence that we'll be in better shape with him as leader.

Has anyone?
How sad that presidential elections will yet again fall upon the people voting on the "lesser of two evils".
We need a revolution. Not because of Bush, just because money grants power instead of brains these days.

EDIT: Instead of brains granting power. Shut up.

the WMDs were just an excuse....then came Iraq = terrorism, a demonstrative lie...then "Saddam is a really mean guy"...the whole concept had always been to create a stable, USA friendly platform in order to maximize economic rewards from the entire region.

there isn't any particular reason why a president should have military experience - Roosevelt and Lincoln were great wartime presidents. I realize my opinion is tainted by the fact that I was raised in a military household and I have never worked for anybody (other than my college years) besides the Defense Dept.
But here's my objection to Bush...the guy flies to the carrier and prances about in that fucking flight suit like he is some big balled warrior - bullshit. Whenever he goes to speak to the troops he wears gear like he's GI Joe and that is just not right.

Bush realizes he's liable to be drafted, so he goes to Daddy's buddy in the notoriously corrupt national guard...he only scores the lowest possible score for flight training, and the dad's bud accepts him THAT VERY DAY over a waiting list of 150 guys who did not have the Bush clout. And to top it all off, he refuses overseas duty, and still can't explain (or won't) why he refused to go take his flight physical (was he already dipping into the nose candy? We know for sure he was fond of weed...). Despite his saying he would release his full military record, he hasn't done so.

ah fuck it.

I need humor.

Heehee, nice. What was that cartoon on SNL where the modern televangelists went around converting queers to missionaries? Comedy gold!
OHHHHH yeah I've heard his show a few times! The first time I did he had me going for awhile, his "guest" was an alleged victim of a recent tornado and he was begging for money because he lost his wife and daughter (later turned to wife and two sons, and their names kept changing, haha), and he could no longer afford his $1000 car payment and $2 million mortgage. So many people called in yelling at him, it was hilarious!

Okay the talk radio station out here is KFI, so trying to find their website I type in What is it? "The best arab penis enlargement exercise guide is here." For joy, just what I need! :tickled:
markgugs said:
Who gives a fuck that's it been one year? IT'S NOT EVEN CLOSE TO WHAT VIETNAM WAS, NOR WILL IT BE.

Tell you what Mr. Enraged Guy: when the USA has been in Iraq in oh, say 10 more years and the death toll is approaching 50,000, come back and post in this thread. Sounds good? Oh wait, you're going to "respond point by point" because you're "so enraged." Goody. :Smug:
What took you so long? :grin:

My whole point was that you speak as if you're some sort of future seeing sear. "IT'S NOT EVEN CLOSE TO WHAT VIETNAM WAS, NOR WILL IT BE."


You're one of those people that just seem to think, ahhh, don't worry, it'll be over tomorrow.... You shrug at the whole event...

Go back to drinking beer and picking crusty dingleberries from your ass hairs, it's what you do best. :loco: