The Majestic Theocracy

I found this.

I have not listened to any of their very, very small amount of material as of yet.

...Um, thoughts? I guess?

I think I remember reading a while back (not sure where it was) that Matt had copyrighted the word "Theocracy" and no one could use it. God was pretty upset with this and took Matt to court. Matt used as his defense that he was no longer under the law, but grace, so therefore had the right to do as he pleased. They settled out of court, with Matt currently holding the rights to it, but then passing them on to God when the new heavens and earth are created. The last time I spoke with God, it was still sore subject with him, so I wouldn't bring it up again. Ever. Anywho, these guys better be on the look out from Matt's lawyers.
I think I remember reading a while back (not sure where it was) that Matt had copyrighted the word "Theocracy" and no one could use it. God was pretty upset with this and took Matt to court. Matt used as his defense that he was no longer under the law, but grace, so therefore had the right to do as he pleased,. They settled out of court with Matt currently holding the rights to it, but when then passing them on to God when the new heavenas and earth are created. The last time I spoke with God, it was still sore subject with him, so I would bring up again. Ever. Anywho, these guys better be on the look out from Matt's lawyers.

So that's what Absolution Day is about.