The Mars Volta

so, avi- did you think i should've skipped writing the review for indieworkshop? just wondering. i would've thought it should be left out from a outside perspective, but i was so surprised at how much i dug it that i couldn't keep from writing one.
Back to Samael live, when I saw them back in '99 they only used live drums on 1 or 2 songs, and that was just for a drum solo while Xytras put on a keyboard loop. Mostly he just played with his keyboards, samplers, and whatnot (assuming he uses a sampler). This did not stop them from being the best metal band that I have seen live.

Live drums in an electronic style can be cool though, like when I saw Front Line Assembly with a live drummer...
you just need a new slsk client: for the latest.

i had a friend ftp the MV to me cuz I'm tricky that way. so far so good, even though I'm not too into the dude's vocals.
from a purely technical standpoint, the mixing on this thing truly is BAD-ASS. there's some seriously cool stuff in the way the instruments move around and come in and out.
totally. the vocals are simply amazing. that whole thing just strikes with such conviction.

rick rubin produced, rich costey mixed. and yes, the mix is awesome. i have to see if i have this here to listen to now...
The Apex Theory ain't bad. Ain't great either. Hopefully they'll release a new album without the nu-metalisms. That'd own as their non-hard rockin' shiznit is pretty tight.

Cave In's Antenna has some goddamn awesome production and mixing, so this guy gets a thumbs up in my opinion.