The Meaning of Life


Oct 20, 2006
Oregon Coast
Not to get too philosophical or anything, but has anyone found it? I'm kind of thinking the whole point of life is to avoid dying for as long as possible, or at least long enough to make kids so they can take over where you left off in the endless cycle of bullshit and monotony we call existence. Any alternative perspectives?
your right dude, the meaning of life is to survive and reproduce to make sure your species survives. thats all! so in order to make your life less crappy ya have to do some crazy shit that makes ya stand out and gives you a reason to be alive because you cant face that your only purpose is ti have sex and then die,

that looked like it was aimed at you but i speak for the world when i say that.

go become famous dude!!!!!!!!!!!!
the meaning of life is to find the inner peace, and to achieve that you must make your dreams come true, i.e. be what you want. It may or may not involve having kids, because if you don't have progeny it doesn't mean the species will die out, but you won't carry your genetic information to the next generation. Imo I feel that humans are one step higher than other animals who live to reproduce, although survival of the fittest (to leave progeny) still applies to us. But I think that finding peace in yourself by becoming what you want to become is most important.
Life is a process, like the weather, entropy or fusion; it doesn't mean anything. You may as well ask "what is the meaning of yellow?".
I think the first question we need to make ourselves is.

Who or what we Are???? and then, what is the meaning of our existence????.
Well I don't know about YOU, BUT I am a cybernetic organism, living tissue over a metal endoskeleton.

The meaning of my existence is to eat sandwiches and overhead press as much weight as I can.

Speaking of which...I've been getting back into my weight lifting schedule, but something that really pisses me off is that I know I'm not hitting my best on my overheads/mil presses because I don't have a strong enough lower back to support. Any ideas on strengthening that?
Speaking of which...I've been getting back into my weight lifting schedule, but something that really pisses me off is that I know I'm not hitting my best on my overheads/mil presses because I don't have a strong enough lower back to support. Any ideas on strengthening that?

Finally a question I can answer. Ha

The best way to strengthen the erector spinae is through what are called hyperextensions, either on like a swiss ball, or a machine or some other bench.
Google for form, use high reps.

Deadlifts are my favorite back exercise and they certainly work the lower back too. Definitely use good form and go light for higher reps.

Work abdominals on the same day you do these.
Also on the OH's don't go sloppy, or you can hurt your rotators. TRUST me haha. I've fucked that up many a time.
Well I don't know about YOU, BUT I am a cybernetic organism, living tissue over a metal endoskeleton.

The meaning of my existence is to eat sandwiches and overhead press as much weight as I can.

But how do YOU know it? maybe that`s just what you think you are.
Life is a process, like the weather, entropy or fusion; it doesn't mean anything. You may as well ask "what is the meaning of yellow?".

Best answer :)

That being said, there can be, as many others have stated a personal meaning of life. If you are in desperate need of one, just look for one that you feel comfy with and make it your own ;)
Best answer :)

That being said, there can be, as many others have stated a personal meaning of life. If you are in desperate need of one, just look for one that you feel comfy with and make it your own ;)

I kind of agree.

The way I see it, we are in essence complex machines, converting one form of energy to another, with no real meaning beyond our base instincts to survive and procreate.

But given that we're sentient "machines" with a wide range of complex emotions why bother living if we don't enjoy it and make something of ourselves?

On another note I think the forum needs a tagline.
Something along the lines of "The Andy Sneap Forum: Kick-ass mic techniques and personal realisation, all free of charge!"
Yep that was a great movie.....
Life is a process, like the weather, entropy or fusion; it doesn't mean anything. You may as well ask "what is the meaning of yellow?".

But "yellow" is a state/a characteristic, not a process. ;)

And as well as a state can have its purpose/meaning dependent on the context (a fire truck is "red" for a reason), so could a process.

Like mixing a record. The meaning of this process doesn't have to be only related to a desired outcome, but could also be related to the process itself (drawing knowledge, joy etc. from the process).

It's just not that simple, I'm afraid.