The Mighty Powerball


New Metal Member
Feb 7, 2005
I'm sad to say that I have only recently discovered Mr Brodericks superb playing. I was so impressed I went and bought an ENGL Powerball AMP to see if I could finally get the metal tone Ive been looking for for the last 10 years.

The amp is truly versatile and the distortion channels both sound cool. The problem I have is getting a good lead tone. If anyone has any tips I'd be grateful.

I actually mailed Chris direct with this as I had'nt noticed he forum. Hopefully he'll forgive me :) .

Genieworx said:
I'm sad to say that I have only recently discovered Mr Brodericks superb playing. I was so impressed I went and bought an ENGL Powerball AMP to see if I could finally get the metal tone Ive been looking for for the last 10 years.

The amp is truly versatile and the distortion channels both sound cool. The problem I have is getting a good lead tone. If anyone has any tips I'd be grateful.

I actually mailed Chris direct with this as I had'nt noticed he forum. Hopefully he'll forgive me :) .

Hey Genieworx,

remember that tone is subjective, and what one person likes, you might not. Anyway here are my settings for my lead channel.
Gain @ 11 o'clock, Bottom in, Bass @ 2 o'clock, Mid Focus @ 10 o'clock, Treble @ 3 o'clock, Presence @ 2 o'clock, Depth Punch @ 3 o'clock.

Also there are many other factors in your tone: P-ups, strings, picks, speakers,etc...

Let me know if this helps, Chris.
Hi All

I purchased a Powerball a few months back together with the Engl vintage 4x12 cab and must say I've been very impressed with the tones you can get out of it (with various Ibanez 7 strings). In fact, let's face it, these amps sound pretty good whatever the dials are set at! Quick question for Chris here: I was wondering, do you use any additional effects processors live to 'colour' your lead tone or is it simply the Powerball settings as described above?

Rich - Rannoch said:
Hi All

I purchased a Powerball a few months back together with the Engl vintage 4x12 cab and must say I've been very impressed with the tones you can get out of it (with various Ibanez 7 strings). In fact, let's face it, these amps sound pretty good whatever the dials are set at! Quick question for Chris here: I was wondering, do you use any additional effects processors live to 'colour' your lead tone or is it simply the Powerball settings as described above?

Hey Rich,
it's all Powerball, but in the studio I do use a sterio imaging program and some verb to spread the sound out.
Take care, Chris.
Hey Chris,

Many thanks for your help with this, I dialled in your settings and it was monstrous. My girlfriend made me turn it down as it was moving things in our living room, she was not best pleased :grin: . A huge improvement over the lead tones I've derived so far. I was convinced that everything should be about 3 o'clock :erk: this is probably down to the sheer number of controls on the amp.

I'm using the 4xV60 cab which was kinda recommended on the ENGL forum for metal etc. It does make the clean channel a little cold but keeps the distorted tones crisp and dark. Finally I've added an old alesis midiverb 3 :OMG: which seems to give me subtle enough verb. how reliable it is, is another matter.
