the mood thread

Allan said:
Pissed off :yell:

Gotta handed to you Germans, I always get pissed off at German sports teams, what a fucking idiot that keeper is, and then his name is Fritz :tickled: . And that Volker Zerbe is just the perfect image of stereotypical German arrogance.
Hahahahaha :Smug: !!! We won... hahahahaha!!!:lol:
DragonLady1 said:
Allan, now this is the right time to teach u the word "Piefke" what is an Austrian expression for Germans (and its not really a nice one :D )

:( I remember some expressions for Austrians too, but I won´t post them here...;)

Sweet, sweet nationalism...
Allan said:
Pissed off :yell:

Same here, the bloody printer won't work, and I didn't even break it (or did I)?

But as I'm generally hopeful this weekend, I don't give a fuck.

Btw, have you heard of that Hungarian footballer in Benfica who died at the end of a match? That was quite sad.

This has nothing to do with nationalism, but everything to do with violent beasts.

Ripping up wounds, flinging people to the floor and then bitch about them acting and that idiot Fritz goalkeeper getting in people's faces for being wrestled to the floor :mad: .

I liked what former player Nikolaj Jakobsen said in the studio, he was talking anout the Danes being stupid by participating in the German wrestlematch instead of displaying their superior skills, then afterwards he laughed and said, he was being a bit of a hypocrite, because he knew he'd be fighting them too, because he hated their guts :tickled: .

I'm over it now btw, it's only handball, nothing serious like footie.
Ahh, I just found out I passed all my exams in spite of my ridiculous lack of effort. All is not lost, never to be forgotten. :Spin: :Spin: :Spin:
Haha, yeah, it's sort of a weird feeling though, I just passed an Am history exam with an essay that had little to nothing to do with anything I've learned this semester, seems wrong.

I'll have to wait until tomorrow with the partying, have to help a friend move, good timing too, that way I don't have to buy the beers for the Superbowl party :Spin:
Dhatura said:
Omg, I'm so fucking inattentive these days, dunno, maybe I'll also drop dead tomorrow, I even saw those posts and just had a look at them but apparently they didn't reach my brain :/

Age or drugs? Or maybe both? :Spin: