The Moor tabbed actually WELL :D


Dec 3, 2002
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I DID NOT TAB THIS, besides most of the bass. The guitar was done by someone else, and then I made a whole bunch of corrections, and he didn't think some of them were right and put them back to how he had them. Therefore, there are a couple things I disagree on. The second part of m 35 is definitely wrong, but otherwise I think it's pretty darn good. I tabbed the bass from some bootleg I got off sharing the groove, and it's probably the most amusing opeth bassline to play (at least post-morningrise). HAVE FUN KIDS!

Also, I finally updated my Demon of the Fall tab with bass that's actually sort of close to accurate:,3687

As for M. 35, I can't really figure out what's happening there (in the second half of it. My guess is (after listening to it 3000 times and slowing it down and assorted fun stuff like that):


or that same thing but with a 5h6 instead of two 6s. Yucky riff. Of course, it sounds good to play


But it's definitely not right. :P
it sounds like two guitars, one just playing that triad chord and the other doing something similar to the other bar you showed. Btw, that dude has quite a few mess-ups. god i wish i had time to do these...
suislidE said:
Also, when you people write tabs, PLEASE reference a live video.. that makes it like 5x easier to write their tabs.

HINT: There are no live videos for most of the songs I've tabbed. I used one for THE LEPER AFFINITY, and tried to on ADVENT, and did for A FAIR JUDGEMENT (I have to update that one though >:P), and did for DEMON OF THE FALL and CLOSURE, and used the guitar lesson for THE DRAPERY FALLS (i have to update the solo on that one too), but all the others I've tabbed don't HAVE a live video (although maybe that stupid 5.5 gigabyte dvd file has the moor and/or April Ethereal, but I sure don't have room to download it). So there. They also don't always play what they do on the album live.
That DVD file is stupid...When i finished dling one of the 1 gigabyte parts..I thought there was something wrong with it only had like 2 songs. But alas that's how it is.
wankerness said:
HINT: There are no live videos for most of the songs I've tabbed. I used one for THE LEPER AFFINITY, and tried to on ADVENT, and did for A FAIR JUDGEMENT (I have to update that one though >:P), and did for DEMON OF THE FALL and CLOSURE, and used the guitar lesson for THE DRAPERY FALLS (i have to update the solo on that one too), but all the others I've tabbed don't HAVE a live video (although maybe that stupid 5.5 gigabyte dvd file has the moor and/or April Ethereal, but I sure don't have room to download it). So there. They also don't always play what they do on the album live.

I have a live version (mp3) of the drappery falls which you can hear the bass very well in (im a bass player so i'de know) if you want to find it try which is a file sharing program. also, your right, they dont play the same thing live as recorded, i noticed that when i saw mendez live my first time he would throw in little lics at the end of measures which i thought was cool. oh yah whats this billy jean thing i keep hearing about with the martins, lol, funny cuz i learned that bassline a while ago and whenever i play it before a gig during sound checks my drummer starts druming that shit its funny.
StationaryTraveller said:
I have a live version (mp3) of the drappery falls which you can hear the bass very well in (im a bass player so i'de know) if you want to find it try which is a file sharing program.
Yeah, I didn't have a problem with hearing the bass on that song...the bass is audible on that whole cd pretty much. I needed to get live recordings of THE MOOR and DEMON OF THE FALL to do the bass on those though >:<