Serenity Painted Death finally tabbed

wankerness said: far as i know, there are only the following:
Serenity Painted Death (guitar and bass) (mine)
Demon of the Fall (guitar and bass) (mine)
The Drapery Falls (guitar and bass) (mine, there's a different version on death8699 that's far less accurate and doesn't have bass)
Still Day Beneath the Sun
Patterns in the Ivy
Patterns in the Ivy II (I think...I don't remember for sure, if it's not on Darkwood it doesn't exist)
Ending Credits (Guitar and bass, I think..maybe not bass)
Creedence (Guitar and bass)
Dirge for November (guitar and bass) (2 versions, one is pretty good and is on, one's more good and hasn't been "released" by the author yet but I have it)
Bleak (Guitar and bass) (mine)
Requiem (guitar and bass)

then I have about 90% of April Ethereal with guitar and bass (i work off the powertab bass tab), about 5% of The Leper Affinity (also working off the powertab bass tab), about 10% of "A Fair Judgement," about 20% of windowpane, about 20% of Moonlapse Vertigo, about 1% of When, and some unfinished powertabs that someone else did of the intro to advent and some section of nectar. There's also a powertab SOMEWHERE of "By the Pain I see in others," because one of the txt tabs of it on darkwood is a powertab export, but I don't know where the original is. A friend of mine is trying to convert it back to powertab, I don't really know how far he is. So yeah. I'm the main supplier of Opeth Powertabs, as far as I know. If you want any of this stuff I can send it to you, but I don't really want to show off my unfinished stuff cause some of it sucks :D. I don't know when I'm going to finish these things cause I have about 20 OTHER tabs I'm working on in addition to all the Opeth, and I get bored working on one Opeth song for too long. Also, if I get requests, those take top priority. I don't have any now though...and I DON'T take requests if they are "the moor." I tabbed serenity painted death, and it was hell on earth thanks to still life's horrendous production, so I want to avoid ever doing anything off that album again unless it's Benighted (or MAYBE face of melinda...). Anyway, my guess is that April Ethereal should be ready in a few weeks and the same with A Fair Judgement (the concert inspired me!). As for the leper affinity, that is going to take a LONNNNGGGG time. Yeah.

dude, you rule.......
Jeremy said:
Well...if u had done it in Guitar Pro then they couldn't have ripped you off :D

Once again, I just can't work in guitar pro. Everything's harder to do, and there are a bunch of things you simply can't do in it (like slide up into and out of notes). The repeats are hell too. And, if you actually know how to read sheet music, guitar pro's lousy method of displaying rhythms is really hard to follow. I also like how if you have a slide from say...the 12th fret to the 2nd fret, the midi plays it as a slide up and then just lands on the second fret magically. Most of the files for it are stupid attempts to get all of the sound and make a midi instead of making an actually playable GUITAR TAB, which completely defeats the purpose (in my opinion, as a guitar player!). They could at least like...arrange the synths and things for guitar instead of having twenty five different layers all with single notes of chords that add up to sound like a midi but sound like crap when played by themselves. You'd think with a name like guitar pro, there'd be an emphasis on making a product for guitar players instead of something to listen to. GUESS NOT. The rhythms and things are also on average loaded with stupid mistakes. I don't know if it's a problem with the program that rhythms and time signatures can't be accurately displayed, or if the users are just dummies. Guitar pro sucks! :yell: