The Moor

Interesti said:
The intro is repetetive and uninteresting. Far too long, as well.

The intro is brilliant and all, but perhaps it could have been shortened a bit...I've heard it so many times, it's just a little much. But only the quiet part, once that beautiful acoustic part lives things up things get even more brillaint.....
Scourge of Malice said:
Does anyone else completely lose it and headbang like a madman @ 3:19.. this short little riff kicks complete ass by itself, but god damn when the screams/growls come in I go nuts.. What a fucking good part

Just you man. Just you. :p
Agree! :)

I love so much this song...and thats the reason why i choose my nickname hehe! :D

That riff is really evil sounding...great headbanging stuff! :headbang:
But my fav part is starting at 4:57 ...the vocals is SO FUCKING nice! hehe! fit perfectly with the guitar...
One of their best. Sums up Still Life perfectly.

I do think the intro's a tad long. On my personal mixes I (*gasp, shame*) shave off about 50 seconds and add a fade-in. A little tweak 'cause I can't wait for the song to kick in.