The "most brutal concert I've ever been to" thread


Apr 6, 2004
New York, U.S.
The most brutal concert i've been to has to be...

Place: Roseland Ballroom, NYC
Band: Slayer
date: Wed. August 14, 2002

There were 4 bands playing. I forgot what the 1st band was, but i remember that InFlames opened up for Soulfly and Soulfly open up for Slayer. By the time Slayer started playing, the f*ing pit became a battle ground where the weak and defenceless were crushed and left breathless (massively brused as well). Trying to get out of this pit of hell, i encountered beating and all sorts of shit (being that I'm a small, skinny person), i got my ass kicked big time. lol. Once out of the crowded pit, I stay over to the left side of the stage only to encounter two humongous dude beating the begeesus out of each other. Lots of punches to the head were being thrown, you could hear the popping and cracking of bone against fist and smell the blood that flew everywhere! It was nuts ...there's nothing more brutal than being in a freaking Slayer pit 0_o

I'm just glad i didn't punched-out or stepped on, lol.

Slayer for me too, at the Electric Factory. Yeap, I came out covered in blood, sweat, spit and mustard. Where that came from i don't know. But the show was fucking incredible, I was sore for three days afterward. I am also a scrawny little pipsqueak so I endured a horrid beating.
i was there for slayer and got beaten up...but even though i hated that whole nu-metal bullshit wave, i saw a kittie, -40 summer, and motograter show. during kittie some asshole ran up next to me swinging. broke my nose and gave me a black eye in one punch. it was an incredible night! shitty bands and a broken nose...
Slayer the same tour you saw. Soulfly was crap. In Flames ruled. Slayer was good.

My friend got his nose broken. He jacked the guy in the kidney for it.

Some guy burnt me with a cigarette and I turned around and grabbed him by his shirt and threw him onto the ground and he got stomped on by all the other moshers. I fucking hate cigarettes and to get carelessly burned by one just makes me snap.
I saw Slayer in Wacken last year, and apart from them being 20 minutes late, it was a brutal gig. 35.000 people sleeping where they stood, I got so bored I didnt even realize when my feet got to sleep also. The way back to the tent was a torture!

Seriously, I dont remember any of the bands I saw to be quite brutal, apart from maybe Immortal and Dark Throne, but I wasnt in the first rows or even following their gigs with bigger interest. I did see Slayer last year at Wacken though and I didnt exagerate. They could have destroyed the fucking place and they ended up rocking everyone to sleep. Really disappointing.. I'll see them again at the Dynamo Festival this year, maybe they'll make a different impression, I'll give them another chance.
Sepultura, at Rock in Rio. The mosh pits were the size of a soccer stadium, and because of those there was a giant cloud of dirt coming from the ground... it gave me a bad throat for like 3 months.

As brutal as it could get for me, since I am not really into brutal stuff...
Never been to a concert that was that brutal. The most moshing i saw was probably duriing the Bodom set on the tour this year. Havent been to many concerts, but that was quite fun, even though the pit was controlled to a point.
....not Metal but... NOFX at the Warped Tour in Montreal a couple of years ago was the biggest mosh pit I've seen yet. As for brutality... I would say Cradle Of Filth on the Bitter Suites To Succubi tour in Montreal also.
Edguy in Pipeline, Sundsvall 2001 :lol:

And yes, Im being serious here... The band didnt have much to do with it but I almost got myself killed that day.... people were crazy and stupid, venue sucked balls and I was way to short to be standing up against that so called fence. Having the top of the fence against your neck and throat and being pushed against it by massive drunk guys is not a pleasant feeling..
Johanna said:
Edguy in Pipeline, Sundsvall 2001 :lol:

And yes, Im being serious here... The band didnt have much to do with it but I almost got myself killed that day.... people were crazy and stupid, venue sucked balls and I was way to short to be standing up against that so called fence. Having the top of the fence against your neck and throat and being pushed against it by massive drunk guys is not a pleasant feeling..
egonomic666: well that happens just about everytime for me unfortunately. But wtf....

bobvex said:
im just seeing if it works. . .

*ducks and runs* :p
haha, it does...
more people should follow your example.