The most you ever offended anyone?

Actually the first one that coems to mind is when I was at a bar in Ponypridd. There was a show going on round the corner so we were getting hammered beforehand, and a few bands walked in, ordered drinks and such. One gy came up to us and we were talking, and as he was a bass player I just said, without thinking, 'We don'tlike your kind round hese parts' in a southern redneck accent. Completely oblivious to the fat that he was black :lol: Hewas fine aftr though, minor misunderstanding, but damn...

Another one was when I was at the european market last year. I bought a french sandwichy pizza thing that tasted fucking terrible, spat it out and again, without thinking, I said 'What the fuck do these frenh bastards think they're doing' and the chef, being french, got really fucking angry with me and started jibbering angrily at m in french. Tried apologising and he didn't stop so I just said 'Listen, speak a language thats not shit or fuck off' andthrew his ass bread pizza back at him.

For the record, I'm far from racist and I don't agree with it whatsoever, but I fucking hate the french. Fuck France.
For the record, I'm far from racist and I don't agree with it whatsoever, but I fucking hate the french. Fuck France.


erm im not sure whats the worst ive offended someone, i know ive often offended my friend who is a dedicated christian, n hates swearing, with my views on god n the amount of swearing i come out with ive offended her many times.
Also made my best friend cry was talkin to her on msn, n she was upset n depressed bout upcomin exams, so i went on goin ur stupid u will never pass them, being sarcastic, turns out on msn I dont sound sarcastic :erk:

but i like to think im not a very offensive person, unless ur french
I called a teacher a cunt to the school librarian, she nearly phoned the head on me for using "disgusting language" hahaha. I've made go fuck your mum jokes to people who have no mother due to them being dead and all that kinda shit. I spat on someone during a fight when I was drunk, that offended a lot of people but to be fair, it was a guy and he punched me in the face for NO reason, if people think I'm scummy oh well hahaha.
I said, "Obama should be tarred and feathered," and "Obama should have been an aborted fetus," around a group of Democrats, I then proceeded to call all of them a bunch of "unpatriotic, emotionally compromised faggot fucks."

Funny thing was is that they were all lesbian.

Mostly I usually tell people I don't like, "No one loves you, and your father should have worn a condom when he was fucking your mother."
I actually made someone cry with that one. Felt no remorse because they deserved it. He called my best friend's girlfriend a worthless whore right to her face.

I do not tolerate anyone calling a woman a whore.
wow you're all terrible people haha.

why all the france hatred? went to paris a few christmasses ago and it was bloody brilliant, the people there were great!! playing in paris with megadeth was great too, the people were really friendly with us, loved it.

i once told jehovahs witnesses that satanism is actually a really good idea because it celebrates being alive and doesn't worship any stupid god. oh and then asked them if they had heard the four horsemen by metallica and then printed the lyrics out for them, they actually took it with them.
Answered the front door to find some god-botherers wanting to talk about the baby jeebus with me.....just as Obituary's 'Internal Bleeding' was just getting going. John Tardy scared them a bit. They still decided to chat to me though, even though Tardy was evacuating his guts very loudly in the living room. They even asked me who the band was....nice of them to ask that.

So when Rotting Christ came up next, I asked them if they wanted to know who the band was........
Guy in my music tech class in college is a big emo wanker, and he was a week late on handing his work in, so i thought he wouldnt be back next year so i was a complete prick to him thinking he would never be back, turns out theyve let him. But ill just be a cunt from now on anyway.
Why all the France hatred?

A> When I went there - once hen I was 9, again when I was 11 - all the locals were rude as fuck, and they pretend they can't understand you just to fuck with you.

B. Its France. France is shit.

EDIT: Onthat satanism note Matt, heres a golden ngget of drunken genuis for you

Before he moved to California, my mate Jeff used to call me up every few days and we'd go drink beer in the gaveyard. You know, because we were soooo cool like that. Anyhow, I remember one day he slippe and cut his hand open on a broken bottle, then walked inside the chuch where there was a fucking communion going on, dew a pentagram on the floor in his blood, flipped off the priest and stormed out pissed as a fart.

I've seen many things in my life but tht ranks amongst the best ever. Sheer fucking brilliance on Jeff's part, I bloody miss im :(
Hmmm I told my RE teacher religion was a waste of time, then we got in an arguement about abortion and she told me I was an idiot who would work a simple job such as stacking shelves, she didnt appreciate my reply of "but wouldn't working as an RE teacher be much simpler? I'd just get to talk about a story book all day", I got banned from the RE Dept for that, well that and telling her the Pope was a fool for thinking Harry Potter is evil, tool.
Ive been to Franch 5 times and they are pretty rude. but most of them could speak english. And i think we as a nation are very arrogent that most other countries speak our language but we cant speak theirs.
I hate the French because they're a bunch of pussies

You Brits had the right idea during WW2: "Give up? Pshh, over my rotting corpse!"
The French on the other hand: "SACRE BLEU!!!!!! THE GERMANS ARE COMING!!! FIRE ZE MISSILES!!!" "We have no le missiles!!!" "LE FUCK! WE SURRENDER!" *puffs cigarette, eats frogs and snails*

Though I can't really be proud of my own country coming in late.

US: *drinks smoothie* "Pfft, not my problem" *Japanese kid comes over and pushes smoothie over, spilling its contents* "*sigh* NOW it's my problem!"
Hmmm I told my RE teacher religion was a waste of time, then we got in an arguement about abortion and she told me I was an idiot who would work a simple job such as stacking shelves, she didnt appreciate my reply of "but wouldn't working as an RE teacher be much simpler? I'd just get to talk about a story book all day", I got banned from the RE Dept for that, well that and telling her the Pope was a fool for thinking Harry Potter is evil, tool.
RE isnt about the Bible much at all. Infact it never was for me. Its about different cultures and beliefs and is infact an interesting topic. I can see why you got pissed off at her, but RE id say is something that could be important one day.
My favourite RE related story was one of the lads in my class came back to school after 2 weeks off. Everyone thought he had died. He walks into class, hands the teacher a sick note for the last few weeks and then sits down. Teacher, who is the school's 3rd highest in command, reads the note and cracks up laughing. Bloke in seat cringes as the teacher says "You're making this one up, aren't you?" and proceeds to read the note it is, almost to the letter:

"Dear Mr........,

Please excuse James' absence from school for the last 2 weeks. He had an accident on his bike and fell on the crossbar, resulting in a crushed testicle. He had to have emergency surgery to remove the testicle, and is currently awaiting a date for further surgery to put in an implant to simulate the missing testicle. Please let me know if there are any issues with this. Obviously it would be appreciated if this was kept to yourself, as James is quite embarrassed about the situation


James' mum"

Laugh? We nearly crushed our testicles!!

And the teacher got sacked.

I never said it was religion related ;)