The most you ever offended anyone?

Oh dear god you don't want to know. Brief explanation;
Went on Big Brother, got her vagina out, was ridiculously stupid, got famous over nothing, got moola, got more Big Brother coverage, got racist, got cancer, died.
Before he moved to California, my mate Jeff used to call me up every few days and we'd go drink beer in the gaveyard. You know, because we were soooo cool like that. Anyhow, I remember one day he slippe and cut his hand open on a broken bottle, then walked inside the chuch where there was a fucking communion going on, dew a pentagram on the floor in his blood, flipped off the priest and stormed out pissed as a fart.

HAHAHA! That's fucking priceless. :heh::heh:

Some of the weird shit I've done that offended people:

Screamed in public for fun with my friend

Took it in turns with said friend to stand in the toilet cubicles in McDonalds screaming "DIARRHEA" at the top of our lungs

Had loud conversation with my friend in a taxi about whether Metallica's new album art looked like an anus or a vagina. Driver looked pretty freaked out.

Swore loudly in a library (I was a lot younger...), got given out to by a little kid's mother

I'm sure I got more...
got racist, got cancer, died.

:lol: Well phrased!

Before she got cancer I considered her to be the embodiment of pretty much everything I hate about this country and it's population. Her getting cancer served to remind me how fucked up the media is, and also how people are so dumb to follow it like sheep. I mean, she was praised for raising the awareness of cancer. Probably the most well known disease in the world. And she only did that because she had it, you didn't see her running Race For Life or anything when she was healthy.

Anyway, I digress. My mate's band, No Apology, once covered Metallica's version of So What live. Well, actually they did that a few times, but one time in particular they were playing a day festival in the local park, right next to the kids' play area. They were subsequently banned from playing at either the park or the youth club that organised the show, and they were asked for an apology, which (true to the name) they did not give.
Oh dear god you don't want to know. Brief explanation;
Went on Big Brother, got her vagina out, was ridiculously stupid, got famous over nothing, got moola, got more Big Brother coverage, got racist, got cancer, died.

People like this make my "Faith in Humanity Meter" go down.
To be fair, the Cold War wasn't really that bad. It was the international equivalent of "My dad's harder than your dad".
Yeah but they didn't do anything with them.

Anyway, I said I'd post this:
I think it was when someone stated their opinion about something. they followed up the statement with "I guess that makes me an idiot." to which I replied "No, I think Idiots are stupid by choice." I didn't really catch it for about ten minutes.
the Holocaust and the Cold War didn't already do that for you?

I was talking about random everyday people, and the stupid shit they do..... Like Jon and Kate and their whole stupid fucking "Drama" and their show.

I'll find you some other instances of this when I get a chance.
For the record, I'm far from racist and I don't agree with it whatsoever, but I fucking hate the french. Fuck France.

The french are good. You just have assholes in every country. How can you not like the country that Gojira come from?

I don't think I'm a mean person. Although I am mean to people. I try not to be though. :goggly:

...probably worst thing I've done to someone is tell an ex that he was a terrible boyfriend. Even that's not too bad. :Smug:

*collects blood and ventures to church* :heh: