Sorry dude. but skandinavia's one true claim to fame is the vikings. and Norwegian vikings were much more badass than the Swedish. I will begrudgeingly concede that the danish vikings beat us both. but Harold Hardrada kicks everyone's ass.
nonsense. norway still had more badass vikings. Its bane is that the norwegian population insists on being to br00tal for anything vertuosic. but tell me. will anyone remember opeth in 1000 years? I doubt it. but the vikings will still be worldwide badasses. and let's not forget, norway has the fjords.
oh and dave
yes, but, steryotypically speaking, those 15 year old swedish chicks prefer norwegian men to swedes. so while i'd rather GO to sweden, I'd rather BE norwegian.
Had a good one earlier - went down the road to buy smokes, and some chav bitch came over to me and said 'When are you going to get a haircut you scruffy moshaaarrr?' to which I replied 'Get back to the kitchen where you belong'.
Yeah, I fucking went there. And I laughed my fucking tits off.