The most you ever offended anyone?

But you love a good rimming Dan!

:lol: In all seriousness, if a man loses his veg then hes not a man. Losing masculinity = fail and raher shameful, therefor death is the ony way out. Unless you concentrate really hard and switxh souls with a beetle (cookie for th reference)
You could just replace them with massive marbles.

My old music teacher was a complete twat and reguarly makes jokes about me, ive been gone from the school for a year. I dont see why, and hes a professional so he shouldnt because i have a right to report him. I feel sorry for my sister because she will have him as a teacher soon when she goes to High School and as soon as he sees the last name, she will get a difficult time i reckon. And it isnt like he wont know who shes related too, because my last name is a massive double barrled surname.
Aw damn, I don't cuss people out or draw bloody pentagrams on church floors, guess I'm not cool enough for this topic. *shrug*
Good question

The way I see it, being offensive is a poor mans tactic for lacking in ability to win an argument with reasoning

I find it almost impossible to hate a race of people but I do hate paedophiles, rapist, any man that hits women, murderers

Basically any human being that sets out to hurt

I have no time for them and would wish them dead
i once told jehovahs witnesses that satanism is actually a really good idea because it celebrates being alive and doesn't worship any stupid god. oh and then asked them if they had heard the four horsemen by metallica and then printed the lyrics out for them, they actually took it with them.

:lol: I remember that! Didn't you play them some Slayer?

For the record, I'm far from racist and I don't agree with it whatsoever, but I fucking hate the french. Fuck France.

Way to prove a point mate :) That's like that guy I used to work with that wasn't racist, "it's just the fucking pakkis".

I think the most offensive thing I've said was about Jade Goodie. The thing is, it was right at the beginning of the whole "Jade has cancer" saga, and I hadn't heard about it yet. So I'm sitting there at lunch, flicking through the paper (mostly looking at the pictures, I'm a lazy reader) and I open up to a double page spread of Jade's ugly mug. First thing I notice, she's bald. Second thing I notice, she looks like a conehead. Not thinking about why she was bald, I instantly decided to verbalise this thought, and was promptly told that that's not cool.
Styxx, there's so many good Jade Goody jokes online.

Styxx, there's so many good Jade Goody jokes online.


Hah! Ace! I'm sure there is but it was a matter of offending someone.

Did anyone here go to Download, and if so, did you see the guys with the Jade LOL shirts on? I'll post a picture later :)