The Music Recommendation Thread

" had the chance to see Agua De Annique in The Netherlands last November, in a very intimate club with and it was a concert highlight for me. Just amazing."

That sounds fantastic. I'm a huge fan of Anneke. She could probably sing for a polka band and I'd love it. Then again, I don't mind polka as long as you are drinking German beer or at a church picnic.
Good thread, A couple of bands im listening to atm

Woven Hand - A band formed from members of the band 16 horsepower(another epic band). Dark and ambient music. i cant really describe it, as its pretty weird but also carries some hypnotic tunes.

Mar De Grises - Modern Doom band i guess, in the vein of early katatonia to an extent. I think for all you daylight dies lovers this would appeal. The new album crushes.

Bon Iver - This guy is absolutely brilliant. a singer songwriter from aus, he only has the one album and a couple of singles. the album has a very melancholic feel to it, dark, sad, beautiful. Worth having.
[youtube] GHyo33XLP24[/youtube]
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HAIL OF BULLETS!!! FUCK YEAH! I can't stop listening to this one, either! In case you don't know it yet, HAIL OF BULLETS, ASPHYX, AND PESTILENCE!.. all 3 are confirmed for next year's Maryland Death Fest. This one is up there for me too as far as my pick for 2008, aside from the new Testament and Dismember cd's.
Akercocke is quite good. They play progressive death metal or something like that. Im not very fond of the growls but the clean vocals are awsome. Also I love their riffs.

And you should check this vid out too. They were on the Noland show in Ireland, pretty fucking hillarious.

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HAIL OF BULLETS!!! FUCK YEAH! I can't stop listening to this one, either! In case you don't know it yet, HAIL OF BULLETS, ASPHYX, AND PESTILENCE!.. all 3 are confirmed for next year's Maryland Death Fest.

and Atheist and Gnostic!!! I would totally go there if I had the chance :(

Frost of War is pretty cool. I was actually getting sneak peeks through the doors of the recording studio, they were in there at the same time as we were, hehe.

And we are lucky concert-wise here, I'm going to see HoB perform for free in 8 days, hehe.
Slumber is a melodic doom act (with some goth tendencies) from Sweden. They released "Fallout" in 2004. I just got it recently and it is still blowing me away. Just a fantastic album.

:zombie:I bought the fallout album for about 8 bucks in a bargin bin

Anway I know a lot of these bands that people here are recommending.. they are all great

Martin Hall..He's an amazing singer..for people that like Antimatter and other true emotional music - Check out the song "Cradle Moon" or "Other Rooms"

I've also been listening to some are some of my "new" discoveries.

Apathy - For fans of Opeth, October Tide and Katatonia

Equilibrium - For fans of Symphonic epic Viking Pagan Death/Black metal..sounds pretty good

HOLLENTHON - Sort of the same genre as above...sounds better and better for every day I hear it.

Avec Tristesse - Amazing band from Brazil. A mixture of Anathema and Dark Metal (Start out with the Angle After Dark song)
And cuz I'm still in a Meshuggah mood..they played in Amsterdam last night,t'was AWESOME!! :)
My favorite from Obzen..BLEEEEEEEEEDDDDD!!!

Apathy - For fans of Opeth, October Tide and Katatonia

Good stuff! Their EP is available to download for free off of the band's official website.

Aquaria - for Angra fans, amazing vocals

I have Lux Aeturna, which is absolutely great, but how is the band's latest album?

On topic: I figured some of you may have an appreciation for Chicago-based doom metal bands. Therefore, while some of you may know these guys, the rest of you make sure to check out The Living Fields: