The Music Recommendation Thread

It never ceases to amaze me how many times I will learn about a band, and didn't know beforehand they were from Chicago, or Illinois....

Some examples:
- Judas Iscariot
- Nachtmystium (found out they were from the area when Blake worked at Metal Haven)
- Usurper (Yes, seen the name for years before knowing they were local!)
- Minsk (just discovered THIS week they were local)
Dead Congregation

For fans of early Incantation(Onward to Golgotha + Mortal Throne..) and Immolation(Dawn of Possession era) check these guys out. Really good, found their cd on eBay for like 8$ really worth it.
Good stuff! Their EP is available to download for free off of the band's official website.

I have Lux Aeturna, which is absolutely great, but how is the band's latest album?

On topic: I figured some of you may have an appreciation for Chicago-based doom metal bands. Therefore, while some of you may know these guys, the rest of you make sure to check out The Living Fields:

Yeah...Aquaria "Shambala" is also a great disc. Worth tracking down. The band Endless is the singers other side band, which is equally as good too.
Interesting indeed.
I have honestly never heard of these guys.
Do they ever play out?

Unfortunately, the band is spread across three continents. Please don't take any of the following as an absolute truth, because I am not entirely sure about all of it...

The principal songwriter, I believe, lives in Chicago while the drummer is in Canada and the singer is over in the UK. The singer has another band called MonsterWorks or something like that and the drummer has been involved with multiple outfits,

EDIT: Also, The Living Fields recently signed to Candlelight, so I am hoping for a new album shortly...
ive actually been listening to antimatter alot lately, well at least their 2 newest albums. its kind of hard to place a sound specifically. its melancholy stuff, reminds me alot of anathema maybe green carnation's acoustic verses.


its not heavy, but we all like mellow stuff everynow and then right?
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Well Antimatter sounds like Anathema for a reason. I like the band a lot but do not own any CDs. I should probably buy the 2 acoustic ones. I'm a big fan of that type of music. As I get older I noticed I tend to gravitate more towards the mellow/slower music and in fact that's pretty much all I listen to now. Every once in a while I'll throw in something heavy, but not too often anymore.
I just ordered Antimatters 'Lights Out' as it was cheap. Anyone know if its any good?
its pretti good, but i do like the 2 newer albums best.
heres a couple songs from that album

Everything You Know Is Wrong

the art of a soft landing

duncan left the band after planetary confinement was released.
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