"The Music Video that Changed Your Life!" - SENTENCED!

David Gold

Son of the Darkest Blues
Feb 20, 2004
No hometown, Ontario.
Recently submitted in an answer to "The Music Video that Changed Your Life!":

"I was 19 years old and had grown up on a steady diet of METALLICA, PANTERA and SLAYER while living in Northern, Ontario Canada before I saw this video for the first time on the Much Music's (Canada's MTV before we had MTV) one and only metal show, the 30 minute a week program called "LOUD" which aired at 11:30 on Saturday night when "derds" as we were called, would most certainly be at home watching television, as I was. I believe this to be the first time I saw a video from a Finnish metal band and the one that "changed my life". Being a Northern kid, I could identify with parts of the video such as the Finnish landscape, the woods, the frozen beach in the winter, and that cold blue of not only the sky but often seemingly of the air itself, and SENTENCED were metal, which I also thought I had figured out by then, but this band was more than what I had become familiar with and it was everything new about them to me that blew my mind. They were tall, long haired Finns, wearing all black, playing metal with piano and powerful, convincing clean singing. It was dark, classy, professional, a cleaner and more serious image of metal than the one I had known, seemingly focused on the atmosphere, the feeling the meaning, the message as the song itself rather than flashes of speed or displays of heaviness within its separate parts. It flowed. I felt it was to be taken more seriously and consumed on a deeper level that everything else I had known prior. The darkness, the cold, the class, the song writing, it was the metal that was all of what I wanted to aspire to become. Plus, he somehow sings the word "Killing" three times in the first line of each chorus. Traditional "pop" arrangement of the parts, including post-bridge piano breakdown and vocal key change chorus repetition at the end. The old man dies in his sleep... to the sum of which I thought "Fuck this Ontario town! Finland's metal is already 20 years ahead! I've been a fan ever since, bought all the records, saw them live once in Detroit, sad they broke up, fan for life, always list them in my influences, still try to write riffs and vocals like them. One of my favourite bands ever to this day, all started with the one airing of that video back in 2000. Long live SENTENCED!"

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With you on all of it!

The arrangement of that chorus always makes me think of ABBA. Not that that's bad, mind you :)

EDIT: Here it is

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I connect with this 100 thousand percent% i heard this song on one of the radio tv stations my sat company offered. i looked up the video shortly after and was just in awe. this was my first introduction to european metal, i was about 16 and listened to some stuff im not too proud of today lol. Once this band came into my life it was over century media was like my mecca for music. crimson was my leaping stone into the wide world of music and i have never slowed down since. *cheers*