The NBA thread

Randy take a wild fucking guess hahaha

And please don't say Minnesota
Sometimes I wonder if you are just joking with us and that one day you will post a thread titled "Surprise!" where you will reveal your sinister plan of pretending to be the dumbest person alive in order to stimulate conversations
Sometimes I wonder if you are just joking with us and that one day you will post a thread titled "Surprise!" where you will reveal your sinister plan of pretending to be the dumbest person alive in order to stimulate conversations

Yes I am joking with you with the Washington Generals.
It the Celtics your answer because there my favorite basketball team.
Just...just re-read the fucking thread already, this is getting so unfathomably ridiculous, how have you managed to get by in life for so long?

Actually no, don't bother re-reading it.. I still don't think you'll get it
You're such a damn moron that if I told you that I liked the Lakers, you still wouldn't figure out what team I like...

(somewhere in this post, I hinted at what team I like, think you can find it?)
Randy he's a Clippers fan if you couldn't tell

Great, yet ultimately disappointing Raptors game tonight. Came down to the last second. The Raptors almost played well enough to pull off an upset but they just aren't quite at the elite level yet.