The Necrophagist Thread

Hell Awaits Us All

New Metal Member
Oct 22, 2006
Killing You
any fans of necrophagist here?? I'm a huge fan of the first album

the second one just doesn't do it for me. It lacks the memorability and the emotion of the 1st CD. It's still jaw-droppingly technical but it seems to lack in songwriting. I remember listening to "onset of putrefaction" for the first time ever. My jaw dropped to the ground and is still there :lol: :lol:
wow I have "mutilate the stillborn" stuck in my head

that would be akward if I sang that out loud in class :lol: :lol:

is this band just dismissed as technical wankery on this board??
Too much time spent practicing their sweeps, not nearly enough time spent thinking about how to write a song.
although they surely abuse the sweep arpeggios, still they write great catchy tunes, the solos could be more diverse on epitaph though, still i like the album a lot, but not as good as the first.
Carcassian said:
Not even close, my friend.


tecnically speaking muhammed is better imo, but bill steer has the style, the melody, the grinding, originality, songwritting, well in my book he is still GOD! although i'm not a firebird fan:erk:
Carcass for life:headbang:
Because Crimson Massacre is fucking horrible due to the piss-poor production values, inability of the vocalist to be evocative of any emotion (he's almost as bad as DiSalvo in Cryptopsy in terms of not fitting the music), spazzy/retarded drumming, and lack of really good riffs. I mean Necrophagist also has one or more of these problems objectively, but seriously, The Luster Of Pandemonium is horrible.

Also, the band considers themselves partly "classical" according to their Myspace which is THE most fucking pretentious thing ever.