The little things that ruin albums

When bands decide to put a long silence, sometimes like 5 minutes long at the end of a song, for like... no reason!

The worst i've ever seen this is one of the songs on Fuck...Im Dead's album. Theres a live song thats 49 minutes long, and theres only sound for about 2:30 of it, the rest is just silence...I've even checked through the entire thing and theres definately nothing there. Still, it seems like a very pointless thing to do, and when bands do it, it seems as if they're just trying to fill up space and make their albums seem longer, pretty gay really.
Female vocals piss me off for the most part. Any Lacuna Coil clone or Within Temptation type band really pisses me off.
Female vocals are great when they are used correctly tho'. Examples would be Augury, Draconian, Anathema, (I know there's more somebody help me out w/ this brain fart...)
the instrument masturbation ruins most prog/power albums.

But if you take away all the instrument masturbation, is it still prog/power?

Anyway, it doesn't really ruin the album as such, but I've never liked the snare drum on Decapitated's Winds Of Creation album. It's way to tight for my taste, giving that horrible clanging sound rather than a nice sharp crack. If nothing else, that's just reminded me of Some Kind Of Monster, and that is never, EVER a good thing.
The Wretched Spawn by CC. Jack Owen fucked it up cause of the lame songs he wrote that were mediocre.

Well that applies to alot of Cannibal Corpse albums, really. Though personally I think the non-metalness of his attitude in the later albums ruined it more. Though I was getting a bit bored of him wanking off his guitar for several minutes during each of his songs.

Thank goodness Paul and Alex are writing most of the songs nowadays.

Speaking of guitar wankery, Doomsday Machine by Arch Enemy was nearly ruined by that. Bloody Mikael Amott. He wouldn't even let the bassist play during the studio recordings either.
Mike Amott makes everthing better and I dont consider his playing to be wankery...not even in the least bit. Hybrids of Steel which is the instrumental on Doomsday Machine is amazing and reminds me of Satriani or Vai.