The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

@Plintus: I lost your email address (sorry), but I wanted to let you know that I am going to attend the Rancid show at the Festival Pier on the 25th with a couple of friends. let me know if you're going to be there.

It's highly possible!

Check you Yahoo! e-mail.

And we should totally, absolutely get fucking wasted since you are going to be in town :Smokedev: All I have to do is to survive Motley show on the 19th :D
Tis summer, that hot and sweaty time of the year again... People (whoever is still reading this thing), post your vacation plans.
Tis summer, that hot and sweaty time of the year again... People (whoever is still reading this thing), post your vacation plans.

I've already done one bungee and one parachute jump this summer (2 first timers!) not exactly vacation per se but still quite liberating.

Actual vacation plan is 1week in Virginia Beach with some friends this August.
I've already done one bungee and one parachute jump this summer (2 first timers!) not exactly vacation per se but still quite liberating.
I'll be doing my second skydive on July 26!

Actual vacation plan is 1week in Virginia Beach with some friends this August.
And I'll be sharing a beach house in the Outerbanks (North Carolina) with some friends in August. So our summers are shaping up similarly. :)
I'll be doing my second skydive on July 26!

One time was quite enough for me - I was looking for adrenaline rush, not for adrenaline oversdose :D

I'm not really scared (I'd do it again if I have to), but it's a different idea of fun for me, not something I'd do on regular basis.
Me too! I'll be going with my two brothers and my mom.
Wow, what a coincidence!

So I take it you enjoyed your first experience?
Yes and no. I was 18 and my college dorm organized it. It was a static-line jump from 5,000 feet with no freefall, the parachute just opens automatically (which is what I wanted -- I wanted to float, not fall), but it was solo, not tandem. We had to go through training for 2 days beforehand, and it's a good thing I had been paying attention, because my parachute cords were twisted. So I had to waste some of my precious floating time trying untangle them to prevent my death. And because I'd spent so much time doing that instead of steering, I got way off course and landed in a cornfield. So the parachute and the cords got entangled with 8-ft tall cornstalks, and I was all scraped up and bruised.

So, that was the bad part. The good part was the time actually spent floating up there, all by myself. [/emo] It was so quiet and peaceful.

This time it's for my bday -- I'm turning 30 next weekend, and I wanted to do something memorable. I'll be doing a tandem jump from 12,000 feet. I'm not all that jazzed about the freefall, but it'll be nice to have someone else doing all the work.

What was your jump like?
Did you ever read about his childhood? Drugs usually don't kill by themselves, most of the time there is a reason behind them.

At some point in life a person has to take responsibly for their auction
Its always
mommy and daddy didn't love me
I was abused
I didn't get a bicycle for Christmas
Jesus, Satan, Sam's dog told me to do it
excuse after excuse
its everybody's fault but my own -
What was your jump like?

It was great. It was at 13,500 feet with a 55 seconds freefall. For my part I enjoyed the freefall just as much as the floating. It's great to get the adrenaline rush and then: woom! You slow down and enjoy the view.

The good part was the time actually spent floating up there, all by myself. [/emo] It was so quiet and peaceful.

Same for me, except I wasn't by myself, it was a tandem jump. the feeling you get up there in the sky with nothing but wind and clouds. It was simply beautiful. I enjoyed it so much I'm going to take the classes to go solo and maybe one day be an instructor.
MJ > Madonna
"A wet bag of crap > Madonna"
There, I fixed it for you.

Call the guy whatever you want, judge his actions, judge his judgments, and judge the man any way in any language you want, but Michael Jackson was the best, there was no one better
There never will be anyone better. People don't try anymore.
You can take any pretty loser who can't sing who has a good smile and sells records and make him a star
Just look at ANYONE on the charts today
We lost a part of music history, a legend, and the greatest pop music artist there ever will be.
The things Michael created on “Thriller”, “Off the Wall”, and “Bad” will never be matched.
By anyone ever.
Michael Jackson was the best.
People believed in Michael Jackson who didn't believe in Jesus
And that my friends is a legend.
God Bless Michael Jackson's music, his soul, and his legend
That can never be replaced.
Rest in Peace Sir
God bless your soul -
Tis summer, that hot and sweaty time of the year again... People (whoever is still reading this thing), post your vacation plans.

My vacation is pretty much over, but I had lots of fun on the road for a couple of weeks.

However, the last part of it was a bit tiring - anyone recall the old Punish My Heaven mondegreen "vacation with my parents, a lifetime in hell"? Well, I topped that - had vacation with my grandparents. :heh:

- Villain (an afterlife in hell)
I don't get a vacation. I just spent 3 weeks doing research in Kansas, practically starving because there was nothing but fast food, and nearly dying of heat exhaustion running in 100 degree weather in spite of a water bottle.

Now I'm back reading and writing again! At least it's like 68 here.
Ha, I'm on permanent vacation right now. I work with computer games for a living, done a bit too much overtime and have got double RSI for my trouble, so the doc has signed me off. Got the game finished though...
@Zach.Zhang: Yeah it's proper. :p That's surprising. What's more surprising is how much they look alike. It's like seeing Nicolas Cage in a black metal outfit.

@Villain: That sounds fun. Especially the last part. :p

Siren (deep in the back of her car with lemonade)