Mermaid having trouble with xenobiology? Sorry we're so complicated.

I feel sick again. And faint. But whatever. Verizon (phone/cable) came by on Sunday. How's this for fun?
The come and install the cable and phone two weeks ago in the new apt. Three dudes, everything's working when they leave, but our wireless signal is kinda sucky. The initial wireless router doesn't quite work, so they had given us a replacement, which was consistent in its signal, but has range issues (like, from one end of the apartment to the other, you lose 3mb of download speed).
They come back Friday with guys from the company that manufactures the router, for 'half an hour, tops'. They show up at 11 am. They leave at 4:30pm. They ask to come back, because their router really is fuxxored. We initially say no, it's a pain in the ass.
Here comes Saturday. We get a call from Verizon. They reaeeeeeeeally want to come back, and they'll make it worth our while. They come back with 5 EE's, including the guy who designed the unit, all of whom are from Cali, and cancelled their flights the night before just to figure out what's wrong. Basically, if they can't solve the problem, they could lose their contract with Verizon. Aka, their money. Long story short, they sit there from 9 to 5 on Sunday, finally get everything working, take a whole bunch of units they tried out back to their labs for analysis, leave us with a working unit, probably (to be finalized) half a year of free access, and a check (for very, very much).
So, now I'm sick from being cooped up so long with a cold bug I knew I had come into contact with at the office, but with a bunch of extra cash, and a couple less bills to pay per month. I'm still thinking it was worth the tradeoff.
And the whole time she laughed, because it's a bunch of EE's trying to deal with a MechE problem (heat buildup in the routers).