I've got enough things to take care of, which would be impossible if I were too concerned about the way I feel and shit. Well, may be one day when I finally get everything I ever wanted I will sit around and spread nasal mucus over the keyboard, but I don't really see that happening (srpeading mucus part, I WILL get everything I want).
I beg to differ from this black-and-white approach. Might apply to you but it doesn't to me: rest assured that I do take care of a good number of things, including but not limited to a demanding day job, estate administration, extensive business travel, and a number of other things that can be qualified as both serious and quite down-to-earth.
When I work, I do concentrate on work; when trying to keep some family members out of trouble, I do concentrate on that. However, this does not stop me from thinking about other personal goals when, say, I have coffee in the morning, or while I'm working out in the gym.
Wanting to have a meaningful life, which for me at the moment implies finding someone to raise a family with (and there's 6's question answered, in the most obvious way ever), is not something I consider un-serious. It's as important to me as progressing in my job or getting good profits on financial assets. The reason why I do not "whine", as you put it, about these other two goals lies in the fact that I do reach them if I put my mind to it, while the relationship-and-future-family situation does not seem to be looking up. I am worried about that.
I do not hold anything against people who "just want to have fun", if I wanted to be carefree and spend all my evenings hopping from bar to bar I could do it, but it is not what I desire. This is not about self-pity: I know I do not live in an AIDS-ridden or war-torn country, I know I do not have a terminal disease (and believe me, I've seen that close enough to really
know the difference between heartbreak and cancer), and I know I could have it worst. However, one of my life goals is very far from being attained, and it's not a goal which I consider superficial or transient, so yes, I think about that a lot, and I think I have every right and even duty to do so. If you don't accept the fact that at the tender age of 29 one could be
serious about wanting a family- even if I'm by no means implying that everyone
should, you set your goals as you want - it's not me being whiny, it's you being childish. It's not
a bad day or
a bad year, it is as serious as, say, losing a job.
This said, we're left with "Why post this on an internet forum?". As for me, I do like getting different perspectives from people who are kind enough to spare a few mintues to post their thoughts; it's useful because these perspectives may deviate from what I hear from my regular friends.