The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

I disagree. The last battle was really cool, but the rest is dull, long, boring, stupidly complicated crap. Whoever wrote that script should be kicked in the nuts.

Actually, I loved everything except the last battle.

It was good, it was what I expected, the rest - twists and turns - made my jaw drop, like, all the time!

Quite rapid changes, but not "stupidly complicated". Like in real world: fuck or be fucked, quick or dead... pirates! But it would be hard to grasp for some, that's true.
Well, I did like the other 2 Pirates movies. I think they pretty much achieved everything they set out to do, but this one... all of a sudden that witch woman is the godess Callipso, Jack and Barbossa are pirate lords, the Code is unavoidable law... I mean, even I could have come up with all that ubertwisted shit just to make the film look more epic. Not that I complain about the clichés, because I went there expecting to enjoy a movie full of clichés, but the plot twists were simply too forced and too many for me.

Ah well, as they say here, in tastes, genres are broken.
No, I wanted to say Taliesin meant "sink", not "think".
Yup. Whether my hands are too slow or my brain too fast, I cannot say. My gf already told me that the technical side of my posts does leave room for improvement. I shall vow to remedy this.
i don't particularly like fast cars but a friend who's into them assures me that the best value for money deal you can get is on porsches.
I personally dont like Porsche. I find fast cars interesting and find myself drooling over one or another every now and then, but at least around here, buying a Porsche means paying a lot of money for a car that every half-rich idiot drives anyway. But then again, it may just be the perfect car, eh?
Yes, you're getting old and you are going to die. Every time you celebrate a Birthday, you are celebrating how you are one year closer to rotting in hell!

Oh, I watched PoTC, it was decent I guess. In my opinion the movie would be way better if they just threw all the stupid jokes away - and there are many. Now, before plinnie gets all worked up about it, I know it is supposed to be that way (because of the "funny" vibe that has always been a distinctive characteristic of PoTC movies or whatever), and that doesn't make it right for me.
This week:

- a guy I knew through my friends died - he was in deep coma for about a year. Awful story, I got to tell it another day when I have time, because

- ... my workstation passed away this weekend (motherboard), and I had quite a few terrifying experiences fixing things up (a few projects were due on Monday, and tehre's only one left I'm late on), but now everything is pretty much sorted out (all important information is safe). The main problem is - there's no single store in the area where I can pick up a new Windows XP desktop, which I need (software I work with doesn't run on Vista). Believe me, I tried EVERYTHING to make a Vista PC run on Windows XP... haha, they don't have native MB drivers for XP, but for Vista only.

Now, having quite a few PCs and access to more even on a holiday weekend helped alot.

- had a very unpleasant encounter this weekend as well... well, I wasn't seen - Hummer 3 I was driving was a good disguise, but I wouldn't want to see that person ever in my life... and here we go (great car, btw... not chromed out H2, but still... good gas mileage, too)

I have no idea if all that could have gotten worse, bad as it was, I made things work and kept all my shit together... a year ago I'd slit my wrist or cry somewhere in the corner... or even BOTH! :lol:

Life's fun again.

And my new PC is fucking FAST.
Maybe it's just that I'm a middle-class sucker but I don't think I have ever cared or will ever care about which car I drive, or which car anyone else drives. My opinion on cars is that all I need is a unit that will take me to where I want to go in a pleasant manner.
Maybe it's just that I'm a middle-class sucker but I don't think I have ever cared or will ever care about which car I drive, or which car anyone else drives. My opinion on cars is that all I need is a unit that will take me to where I want to go in a pleasant manner.

Clearly, you never driven a Hummer. Or a decent car for that matter. I would definitely buy a newer car, not something with 4 wheels... I ended up behind the wheel of old Ford the same day... well, I don't want to do that again :)
Well, that's why I included the word "pleasant" there. An old piece of junk can't provide you with that. Almost any new car would.

I also prefer automatic transmission over manual, because I like to have an easy ride rather than an exciting one.
Yeah, so I have 4 days of work down here before I'm up there for good. It's gonna be the longest 4 days of my life, I can tell. Mostly because the anticipation has made sleep fleeting at best, but also just due to the anticipation.

Saw PotC3 as well. It definitely had its moments - Keith Richards, Davy Jones' Locker, "Shiver me timbers!" (that duo was great just from a Monty Python perspective), etc. - but overall I thought it was only "ok" at best. Really, some of the twists were great (the whole plotting and who was behind what was handled rather well), but some were just out of nowhere, and not in a good way (Calypso?).

In any case, I've already moved my computer up there, so my posting until then will be sporadic at best.

pfff i caught a cold and dont have the time to run back to the hostel for appropriate medicine before i have to present my paper. i just hope i dont spend the whole allotted time spluttering in an undignified way, which would be extra annoying in the light of the fact that the paper is quite good and it would be a pity to disqualify it on grounds of poor delivery.
Saw PotC3 as well. It definitely had its moments - Keith Richards, Davy Jones' Locker, "Shiver me timbers!" (that duo was great just from a Monty Python perspective), etc. - but overall I thought it was only "ok" at best. Really, some of the twists were great (the whole plotting and who was behind what was handled rather well), but some were just out of nowhere, and not in a good way (Calypso?).
thats what I thought too...
Is it just me or Satyricon's Volcano is just amazing? I had never really liked the album, and now I suddenly love it.

Edit: Also Gorgoroth - Destroyer is cool.
HELP ME! I am turning into some crazy blackmetalhead!
hyena: Not even a bad cold can hide quality.

The last few days I've been strangely upset about a seminar that's I have to attend tomorrow. It's concerning my internship (which is almost over btw) and it's actually no big deal; only three hours, about 10 persons attending, and my presentation doesn't need to be more than 15 minutes long and about a subject I know well. I guess what bothers me is that the only thing that distinguishes this seminar from another one I attended a few months ago is the tense we're going to talk in. The thing is that during the first seminar, my classmates and I told each other what we were going to do, and now we're going to tell each other what we have done. This feels utterly pointless and I almost wish that I'm supposed to wear a tie tomorrow so I would have something to strangle myself with.
Personally, I think teletubbies are too stupid, stupid for children older than 3 months.

Still, I find the posture of Ewa Sowinska to be quite obsolete, it doesn't really surprise me though.

Yet, the show is only "in the spotlight for alleged homosexual propoganda"; it hasn't been cancelled or anything of the sorts, as far as I know.