The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

I just spend the day seeing a doctor in Östersund and apparently I'm not
dying quite yet after all. Sorry to disappoint you all.
On another note, I still have a chance to develop a nice cancer in my bowels.
@salmy - that's terrible to hear (about the cancer, not about the not dying). best of luck.
It seems some people have forgotten the whole debate between Intelligent Design and the Theory of Evolution being taught in school science courses as two different approaches with equal scientific value and weight.

No way, how could I forget about the Invisible Pink Unicorn (Peace be unto it) or the Flying Spaghetti Monster? :goggly:

@Hyena: I have no words for that. My simple mind can't understand how any god can be ridiculous enough to want you and your significant other to stay appart from each other just because he signed a contract that ties him with someone he's not happy with.

Why would any wise God want people to act in predefined, set-on-stone ways, when most situations in life are merely relative?

Mind you, sometimes the Vatican acknowledges that some marriages just don't work and allows said marriages to be broken, and both parts to re-marry again to other people...

I believe there's a God (or something of the sorts), but it is not the God of Isaac, and/or Jacob. It is a supreme being with no name, a God that doesn't require to be worshipped, and a being that understands that life is not fucking black and white. (Join my religion, people, it is kinda like the other end of apathetic agnosticism: I don't know if there's a God, so I'll just assume there is, but it is so Grandiose that it doesn't need the help, worship, or care of any puny mortal. I also believe it has a negative counterpart of equal and opposite power).

Maybe I'm just crazy, but I don't think some dude (supposedly) named Mathew who (supposedly) lived and died hundreds of years ago has any saying about my personal life.

So, my conclusion is "Meh".
afz: You remind me of... was it Pascal?... who came up with the logical reason to believe in a god.

You can take two paths. Either 1) there is no afterlife, or 2) there is. In the case of 1), if you believed in god, no big deal - and if you didn't, no big deal either. If 2), and you believed in god, jackpot! - if not, yer fucked. Therefore, it's best to believe in god, just in case.

No way, how could I forget about the Invisible Pink Unicorn (Peace be unto it) or the Flying Spaghetti Monster? :goggly:

Be careful. You don't want something like this to occur to you, do you?

@Hyena: I have no words for that. My simple mind can't understand how any god can be ridiculous enough to want you and your significant other to stay appart from each other just because he signed a contract that ties him with someone he's not happy with.

Why would any wise God want people to act in predefined, set-on-stone ways, when most situations in life are merely relative?

Mind you, sometimes the Vatican acknowledges that some marriages just don't work and allows said marriages to be broken, and both parts to re-marry again to other people...

I will start from the end - yes, the Vatican acknowledges etc, I have become a leading expert on marriage annulments these days, and will let you know, just in case you're interested, that:

(a) these days annulments are increasingly granted on the basis of fickle reasons, such as "immaturity" of one or both spouses at the time of the marriage, in order to limit the spread of civil divorce and remarriage; this is most frequent in the USA.

(b) However, if one looks beyond the work of ecclesiastical tribunals administered by men, the story is pretty much as i did tell it in the post above - if you are a christian you are going to believe that a marriage is a covenant between the spouses and god, not a mere contract, and you are going to believe that jesus said it cannot be dissolved, except when it is 'unlawful'. if you are a catholic, and accept tradition as living revelation, you will believe that a marriage is unlawful, ie null, when the consent expressed is not authentic or not possible (the latter case only refers to marriage among close blood relatives). this may depend on a number of factors: the most classical one concerns arranged/forced marriages, or marriages that were obtained by blackmail, such as "I won't give you this sum of money if you don't marry me", but it also covers marriages that were obtained by cheating on some quality of oneself, such as telling your prospective spouse that you do not have children from another marriage when it is not true, and marriages that were contracted while not believing in one of the fundamental contents of marriage (ie planning infidelity, or planning a complete refusal of progeny, or planning divorce at the first sign of trouble).

in my case, none of these held, eventhough there were elements that would have probably made an annulment quite easy, in a strictly formal sense. but we would be the dicks of the century if we just cared about that.

as to your first question, ie why god would impose such hardship, my technical response is "I have no fucking idea". If I knew fully, I wouldn't feel so horrible about it. i can grasp the human side - for example, wanting not to devastate his wife, who is already depressed and absolutely not wanting to be left by her husband. but i am not sure that this intersects 100% with the divine side. so back from the start - i have no fucking idea.
@Kov~: Yeah, heard about that as well, however I'd say my idea of the essence/nature of God(s) is quite different from his. :P

@Hyena: Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions which were probably a little misplaced, if seen through the looking glass of catholic philosophy. You're really a good Christian.
@Hyena: Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions which were probably a little misplaced, if seen through the looking glass of catholic philosophy. You're really a good Christian.

I am not sure about that but thank you anyway, I am humbled. As for taking the time to explain, think nothing of it, I have been thinking about these things for so many hours on end that typing them out one further time is not a problem. :)
Hyena: Well, at least you're better than I. I know the doctrine, and the meaning, and many times blatantly ignore it. So, things could be worse.

6 pm train, and then I'm up there. Slowly driving myself mad with wanting to get the hell out of here for good. And I know that with an hour left some crisis will come up and have me running around like an idiot. Oh well.

6 pm train, and then I'm up there. Slowly driving myself mad with wanting to get the hell out of here for good. And I know that with an hour left some crisis will come up and have me running around like an idiot. Oh well.


Hey, keep it up. It's almost done. And you don't even have a mix between a flu and a breakdown for the moment, count your blessings. ;)

Seriously now - good luck with everything.
Salamurhaaja: I guess we can still have some hope then! Actually, if you manage to develop Cancer, I'm sure those pesky doctors will hastily remove it from your bowels -damn!.
I've been questioning my life recently. That I guess could explain why I've been posting so irregularly in the past weeks (though I've always been posting in somewhat of a sporadic manner here). I believe I have reached a conclusion and am now ready to move forward without (almost) looking back. I am aware that I could do a hundred different things and constantly live something new, but living that kind of life also means that I would never really accomplish anything. I prefer to set myself only a couple of serious, meaningful objectives and work hard enough to bring them to their fullest completion.
My summer will be busy with two different movies, both independent and done without any budget. One being a anime/live action movie, done in a way that I think has not been seen before, (close to the Sin City style but not exactly).

The second movie will be a documentary/road-movie, which will be shot without script, in a total of three days. Results may vary but in its finality I am convinced we'll end up with something potable.

On another level, our improv team, which died last October, has been resurrected. We now have more members and a structured administration and in two weeks from now we will offer the public our first live game since last summer.

These projects, along with one important audition in July and my first effort as director for a play this fall will be keeping me busy for the remainder of the year.

That said, I think that I'll be able to work out a structured enough life to offer a greater implication in this forum, from which I seem to know so many names and so little people.
nf: laughing at the intricacies of mp3 tagging. samiam's new record, "whatever's got you down", is tagged as "whatevers got you down", which sounds very emo. like, teh whatevers are getting me down again. whatevers.

Edit: COOLNESS. There is WLAN signal in my bedroom (it's weird how I never thought to try that before). And, notwithstanding the fact that I have absolutely nothing to do with it, the network won't kick me out on a regular basic. Future bills for teh internets = zero :)
Olo. Whatevers. You sound healthier.

RampageSword: Moving on = awesome, the internets will always welcome you warmly.