The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

@kenneth: thanks. that is, if you were not making fun of me.

@rampy: how do you find the time for all that, what with the surveys? am i the only person who never has any time to do anything besides sample surveys? :p

nf: half-dead. i keep on having crying spells that are gone within the minute. and knowing that if i do not want my life to be wasted away (which is, of course, yet again something i am not allowed to do) i will have to change parts of myself which i am quite comfortable with, but do not go well with the general population, and the one person with whom they go down exceptionally... well, you know, i have said enough on the theme. i hate myself and want to die, that's what.
I was playing F.E.A.R. demo last night... well, I haven't had a system good enough to play it... I still need a decent videocard and stuff, but IT RUNS!

And it's scary, which is so cool!

I'm, like, 2 years late on this post :D
On my way back from footie, I got hit by a car. I didnt know bike lanes had directions, so it seems I was driving on the wrong side of the road. A giant BMW SVU was driving off a golf club parking lot and the driver didnt see me.. well, lesson learned. I got scratched and blue spots everywhere and my left shoulder hurts. Also, my bike is quite damaged, but I guess I'll manage ;)

Maybe we should make a poll to see who knew there were directions to bike lanes depending on which side of the road they are..
and guess who got so scared seeing that someone was taking much more time than he normally should to come back home? :cry:

But everythings fine now :)
I'll be leaving to a camp in the forest tomorrow morning with a couple of boys. We'll come back thursday evening and my first vacation for the summer begins in friday when I'm going to take a train to Sauna Open Air to see a certain great band. I hope it will be as great an experience as all the previous times I've seen them.

On my way back from footie, I got hit by a car. I didnt know bike lanes had directions, so it seems I was driving on the wrong side of the road. A giant BMW SVU was driving off a golf club parking lot and the driver didnt see me.. well, lesson learned. I got scratched and blue spots everywhere and my left shoulder hurts. Also, my bike is quite damaged, but I guess I'll manage ;)

Maybe we should make a poll to see who knew there were directions to bike lanes depending on which side of the road they are..

It's written all over the lanes here which directions they are, but the rule of thumb always was that cyclists go the same direction as the traffic.
@tali: ouch. get well soon.

here we mostly have bike lanes on one side of the road only, so cyclists use them in both directions. it must be said however that cycling is not popular at all in the city area, so it's less messy than it sounds.

and this whole free wireless thing is thrilling me to no end.

plus: i feel slightly better.
One way streets here have special lanes for bikes ONE WAY as well (Center City). Being a designated driver I keep an eye on cyclists at all times, so should every driver do (right of way and stuff)... but here it's higher chance to be hit by someone on a bike than by the car =)

and this whole free wireless thing is thrilling me to no end.

It's cool, yeah... they were turning entire Philadelphia into one giant hot spot... don't know where that story is at now, but it was about to start last year, someone even tried test networks.

Would be so cool when it all comes together.
Installing Windows is not fun. Now that I've stated the obvious, let me add
that once you installed the piece of shit, trying to make it work like you want
is even less fun. Ever try to organize MP3 into folders, trying to have each
album in a folder with the album art as the folder thumbnail and then trying to
keep the MP3s organized as music files. It is not as much fun as you might think.

Playing poker online is easier than playing with friends, yet I keep winning,
maybe it was all the chicken sacrificing I promised to some unknown dark gods
or maybe it was just my poker face of being a complete loony at all times.
They can't read you when your doing jazz version of the Metallica playing on
the background ;)

In other news I'm back to work full time after some months off due to my new
found love... um illness.
Oh and steak sandwiches do not rock as much as I had hoped.
I just met the single funniest person ever.

Picture this: You're coming home late (say 0:00) from a mostly unsuccesful date.

You are wearing a [insert metal band] shirt (Im my case it was therion).

You feel like you need a refreshment, so you enter one of those 24/7 stores, a guy at the entrance of the store yells "Hey there! Long life to rock and roll"

Now, from this moment on, I knew something funny was up, so I said hi to the guy, he bought me a few cold ones, and we had an awesome conversation about the rock n roll life.

I totally lied to the guy, I pretended to be some sort of metal vocalist, and even called an imaginary guitar player to ask him for some guitars, so that we could come up with rockish masterpieces (The guy was so high he could barely move and talk).

However, he did have some culture, he had been to L.A, New York, Toronto and whatnot (He went on and on about "Young Street" and his adventures with a biker gang, hookers, and true high quality mexican weed).

He tried to teach me stuff about music, such as "The Golden Rule" and "What's freedom" and "How's rock n' roll life" , and I pretended to know german, and to write all the lyrics for my band in that language.

I even had to improvise and write TOTALLY SENSELESS stuff in FAKE GERMAN, which I read aloud to the guy; He said stuff like "The vocalist is the perfectionist, the music is the art of the poet"

It was really a Lawl, he also gave me a pen :rofl:.
I hope I'll never see him again!

BTW: Excuse my grammar and spelling, I'm sort of drunk...
@rampy: how do you find the time for all that, what with the surveys? am i the only person who never has any time to do anything besides sample surveys? :p

Basically, the sample survey only swallows my Monday through Friday 8am to 4pm, this leaves me evenings and weekends for all the rest.

nf: half-dead. i keep on having crying spells that are gone within the minute. and knowing that if i do not want my life to be wasted away (which is, of course, yet again something i am not allowed to do) i will have to change parts of myself which i am quite comfortable with, but do not go well with the general population, and the one person with whom they go down exceptionally... well, you know, i have said enough on the theme. i hate myself and want to die, that's what.

That's not very good to hear. Now I first should suggest that you do not die, death wouldn't help you getting better would it? Besides, your religion has the same views regarding adultery and suicide so...bad idea.

About those parts of yourself you have to change, well, the older one gets, the harder it is to change. I wouldn't say you're old, but you're not 15 anymore and this means that you have some work ahead of you but, if this is really something you want to accomplish well, go for it.

Oh, and you have free wireless so how bad can it be? (I just got to the post where you say you're feeling a wee better, so thumbs up)
Basically, the sample survey only swallows my Monday through Friday 8am to 4pm, this leaves me evenings and weekends for all the rest.

You lucky man. Undemanding surveys.

That's not very good to hear. Now I first should suggest that you do not die, death wouldn't help you getting better would it? Besides, your religion has the same views regarding adultery and suicide so...bad idea.

I know! But then again it seems to have a response for everything (not quite the response I wanted, but still). Just look at this:

Jesus said:
When you fast, do not look gloomy like the hypocrites. They neglect their appearance, so that they may appear to others to be fasting. Amen, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, so that you may not appear to be fasting, except to your Father who is hidden. And your Father who sees what is hidden will repay you.

You see? No moping then! Onwards and upwards! :p

Rampy said:
if this is really something you want to accomplish well, go for it.

The point is that I do not really want to, it's something that I have to do as a means of accomplishing other stuff. Pff.
The point is that I do not really want to, it's something that I have to do as a means of accomplishing other stuff. Pff.

Well there it is! If this whole ordeal is no more than a means to an end, I believe someone with your level of knowledge and determination should manage. Then again, I have no idea of the extent of those changes you want to make. Still, I say give it a try and if you find it hard you can always summon your forum entourage to cheer you up the best they can.

About the fasting speech, well I'll need some time to think about it but it seems to me like an interesting view on dignity and self-reliance.

Oh and thank you, it's the first time someone quotes me and Jesus in the same paragraph.

@Kov: At least you're comfortable there and I'm sure you'll get used to this whole new level of sedentarism rapidly :p
Well there it is! If this whole ordeal is no more than a means to an end, I believe someone with your level of knowledge and determination should manage.

I dont think it has much to do with knowledge. And yet it does. Its like a game - you must know the rules to be able to play the game. But when do you play the game best? When you lose your self (space intended) in it, forget about the rules and just play. Id say its always then about the fairness and integrity of the person in question, and the amount of strategic planning behind ones actions. Its immediately visible though - my colleague is undergoing a strange phase of such a change. He lost some weight, bought some new clothes, brought in some ideas he thinks are great, but hes all brains and no heart - and thus it doesnt work. He only got deeper in the illusion that he is the measure of all things, and his dishonesty screams.