The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

Well, adjustment has been a little difficult. I'm up much earlier (up at 5, to work by 6-6:30), and I'm not getting out of work that much earlier either (4-4:30 ish). It's a good job, though, and I'm on a site, so I get to dress down and hang around watching things actually getting done. It just sucks a bit because I keep staying awake till about 11-11:30 each night.

Well, that and I shattered [and lost] a toenail last night, so workboots are now super-fun.

In any case, enough about me complaining. Let's see when DT will next be coming to the Boston area and I'll be chipper again.

I'm excited!

Tomorrow morning I'll be leaving for Tampere and Sauna Open Air. There are not that many bands that I want to see, but those few are well worth it (in addition to the obvious, there's also Type O Negative). Right now I'm listening to Fiction and mentally preparing for Saturday - it shall be great!

I'm leaving for the beach on Saturday for 2 days. I take work, running shoes and Ughi's iPod with me.

You can't rent a Hummer in Philadelphia! Shame, shame...
Looks like all the female fronted bands are falling apart.

On other news, my pc broke down a few weeks ago (HD failure). It took me a while to fix it since i was having an exam. Now i'm back and slowly trying to go through what happened while i was gone. Oh, and i'm getting good at the "dump-the-guy" game. :D
On other news, my pc broke down a few weeks ago (HD failure). It took me a while to fix it since i was having an exam. Now i'm back and slowly trying to go through what happened while i was gone. Oh, and i'm getting good at the "dump-the-guy" game. :D

My old PC's motherboard died on the eve of a few deadlines two weeks ago :D Most fun week I ever had!
My old PC's motherboard died on the eve of a few deadlines two weeks ago :D Most fun week I ever had!
Yeah, i read something about it. That sucks. =/
At least mine was for good, it helped me get detoxified and focus on studying for a change. Now the evil temptation is back!
I'm buying back-up external HDDs, burning DVDs is already pointless with that amount of data.

Got super awesome WD Passport for 120 GB: you can throw it at bums on the street or keep sensitive data safe... or both!
Samsun HD's are the only HD's worth spending money on imo. They're silent, cool and very reliable. Samsung is usually a tad behind in terms of size, because they usually dont build HD's with more than 2 discs inside (because of said noise, warmth and reliability)
I'm married for WD since 1998, I had only one Maxtor and whatever was coming in the desktops. I make little difference now, but external I buy are always WD. And they are so cool looking, too! :)
gave a presentation this morning in Forlì and it was a smashing success. i drove 750km in about 28 hours (Rome to Forlì and back), saw a bunch of nice people, and got into gear for next week's show, which is going to happen here. I'm feeling better than last week and I am on the brink of a decision.
Good to hear dude!

I have to decide where I want to get a job. It's nerve-wracking, not because it's hard to find one, because there's a lot of opportunities, but I want to find one relatively close to where my girlfriend lives, and this is the challenge