The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

@mag: i SO hear you on the nasdaq. :( and yeah, i'm insured, covered up to max usd 250.000, plus repatriation if need be.
Well, it seems that the EU officials find the "antiterrorist precautions" made by the US very tempting, and are introducing the same kind of policy for the international and EU travel. Which is quite ridiculous, when you think about the original idea EU was based upon.
So what will change in EU travel? I so loved the idea of easy travel. :/
The plan also focuses on air passenger data, requiring EU states to collect 19 pieces of personal information about people flying to or from member states.

The information would include a phone number, e-mail address and payment details, and would be kept on file for 13 years.

The collection of Passenger Name Record (PNR) data would bring the EU in line with the US, which introduced a similar scheme following the 9/11 attacks.

The measures would not apply to flights within the EU.

Is this it?
It seems like a rather useless suggestion anyway if it's not to apply within the EU, since all European terrorist attacks so far have (more or less) been homegrown. But it's not law yet.
Hopefully it won't be that bad after all.

As for me, i'm undergoing some realisations about myself and my life. Some of them more pleasant than others. If i manage to transform these realisations in smaller or bigger changes it's victory for me, otherwise i'm an idiot lost to apathy. I wish change was as easy as words though, and this is the most depressing part of all. :/
I guess it does really take force to beat inertia.
As for me, i'm undergoing some realisations about myself and my life. Some of them more pleasant than others. If i manage to transform these realisations in smaller or bigger changes it's victory for me, otherwise i'm an idiot lost to apathy. I wish change was as easy as words though, and this is the most depressing part of all. :/
I guess it does really take force to beat inertia.
Self-actualization rules. :). (This may sound selfish, but) sometimes the best things you can do are for yourself.
@siren: i'm not really qualified to give suggestions to anyone, but i'd say that you should have an intuitive idea of what can be changed and what can't. say you have discovered you like to wake up late (well, you probably knew that one for a while, just an example :p ), you might try and test what it is like to wake up at 7 every morning, see if you find something in it. but if your discoveries are more of the 'i like truffles' variety, well, just grin and bear it, even if truffles are expensive. there is no symmetrical alternative.

now, i know i'm sounding confused. it will only get worse - in little more than 3 hrs i will board my first plane and in 13 hrs i will still be on a plane. i'm, like, pretty fly. :p
@hyena: yes, you sound confused, but i can make some sense from what you say and i even find it valuable input. so who is the joke. :p
hope you have a nice and not-painful trip. :)
@hyena: cool! have a lot of fun now! and later with nick. ;)

edit: nf: frustrated. and i have a back pain. grrrrr.
@Mags: Realisations about myself and my life. :p Sorry, but i don't want to get more specific than that in here.
As for the frustrations, it's stuff screaming to get out of my mind, pretty much like music screaming to get out of a musician's head.
Double post, yay!

Today was a TOTALLY weird day. At least 3 people that i DON'T KNOW talked to me.
The first of them was a kid at uni, who asked me where a book was at the library, as if i looked like some freaking librarian (sorry, rahvin :p). Sure, i was at the library, but i rarely ever go there (and obviously so does he), i wasn't behind the service desk, and i didn't even have any books around me, just notes. The second was some random guy at the parking lot of my school, who i had never seen around before, and he waved hi, just to get back a weirded-out look. And the third was a random girl at some traffic light, she kept looking at me, she smiled, even approached and made me roll down my window, only to discover that she was wrong and she doesn't know me. What the fuck. :hypno:

I either suddenly lost my intimidating factor, or i turned famous overnight. Need to find my shell... :erk: ..after i search youtube.
@siren: the third one is queen of cool. "sorry, i don't really know you, go back to what you were doing".

by the way, too bad about your back pain: is this the season of shitey spines?

nf: annoyed at the incompatibility between painkillers and drinks, all i could have tonight was 1 small beer. :(
Totally dig Laphroaig - someone mentioned this whisky a while ago (Taliesin and/or one of Finnish guys), but I just got a bottle of 15 y/o last month for my bar. Has this soothing and calming effect over me, really helps to sort out all the shit in my head (even though I don't rely on it).

Pulled an all-nighter last week drinking Ketel One with friends, then was picking up someone at JFK later in the evening... Well, needed to break out of routine :D
by the way, too bad about your back pain: is this the season of shitey spines?
it seems so. my mom is also in pain.

i'm sorry you can't drink, that sucks really bad. i hope it doesn't reduce much your overall level of fun.