The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

nf: blah.

last night i went to a new sushi place which was totally below any expectation and too pricey to boot.

also, i came home and felt so devastated (not by the sushi, and no, i didn't drink excessively) that i thought i should lift my spirits up by watching the silence of the lambs for the umpteenth time... which had exactly the opposite effect. yay. deep emotional pain is teh win.
In such cases if entertainment doesn't work, I just numb myself away with work and induced insomnia and end up watching Clockwork Orange at 5 AM (that HD DVD is still didn't touch the tray, and I had it for a while... but I'm not that desperate yet!)

Plus there are always some wild girlw just a phone call away... too bad I'm into gay animals.
@plintus: i opted for cooking, and the results were so cool that if i had a camera i'd take pictures. so i'm now going to have sautéed clams, oven-baked aubergines and cod fillets on a bed of pepper squash. undecided on the wine, but i'm sure i will get the right inspiration in the next hour or so. and the good thing is that everything was done in accurately small portions, so i'm going to be glad without getting fat.

oh, and i guess that my equivalent of your clockwork orange DVD would be old therapy? records, but as you said i'm not that desperate yet. :p gay animals are, fortunately, not an option.
@DOC: I would, but by the time it arrived to you i'm afraid it would have turned into a Weapon of Gut Destruction. That, and i don't cook. :p
@Siren: The microwave is the only thing I have that I can cook things with. Mostly (terrible) instant noodles/mac & cheese/popcorn and the ilk. I can't even have (terrible) frozen food because we aren't allowed freezers. Sometimes all there is, is Ramen.
@DOC: I was serious, i live in a cave. Err, i mean we don't have a microwave. :p We only cook real food, so i can't really help there.
As a side note, are we even allowed to send food with postal services?
@Siren: The only reason I have a microwave is because I dorm. Given the opportunity, I would much rather be un-lazy and cook my own food. I considered being a chef for a while when I was younger, and even though I decided not to, I haven't really lost that love.

Some food can be shipped: stuff like pasta or packaged candy. No produce or dairy, or anything that can spoil (read: anything fresh). Oh, the irony :p.
@DOC: Tell you what, if we ever manage to meet up in Greece, i'll take you to at least one place with great food!
@Siren: That's damn near justification to make the trip in itself. I am actually seriously considering going to Europe next summer. That will give me plenty of time to get my passport and save some money.

I'm bad with time zones, but shouldn't you be asleep? Its like almost 7AM there, right? I'd be thinking about breakfast. :p
@DOC: Yeah, 7:20 now. And i just had breakfast. :p Though i haven't slept yet, sleep is something i constantly need to fix, my biological clock seems to be set in US time. Which pretty much makes me 7hrs younger at all times. :p
nf: yay, it's always way before dawn. if i don't stop waking up this early i will probably implode. also, today i'm dressed exactly like lady oscar, but i'm sure the cartoon had a different name in English so you'll never get what i'm talking about. it's the cartoon i linked a while ago here - i think that in other countries its name had 'la seine', as in the french river, in it. the story is basically about this girl who is born to a blue-blood family who really wanted a boy, so they name her oscar. this turns out to be less devastating than it could have been, because the girl is actually a bit of a tomboy, so she's not entirely unhappy with being called oscar, and she grows up to be really good at riding, fighting, fencing and all this stuff. however, she's not gay - she falls for this guy named andré and they never quite get together although there are bunches of UST. and one of the most striking facts about lady oscar is that for every episode of a certain season the opening credit were accompanied by an image of oscar naked and surrounded by thorny branches. the image was pretty out there, with a clear S/M undertone, but nobody ever said a thing. weird, considering how the audience for the cartoon was anywhere from the age of 6 and up.

so let's sum up. woke up at 4: check. looks like cartoon character from the 80s: check. is listening to ursvamp with a passion: check.

also, the new york times was reporting info of some groundbreaking (???) study showing that teenage girls invest way more in their looks than their intellect, because they anticipate higher social rewards from the former than the latter. YOU DON'T FUCKING SAY? they should have asked me, no need to go around collecting samples of people. actually, the one newsworthy item was that the investment in looks is tending more and more to the camp/porn image than anything else, and boy is this depressing, but well, the whole story is depressing.
@Siren: :p Well I appreciate your facilitating my procrastination. I have a ton of work to do, most of which (over 50%, wooo) I've completed. I'm having a hard time just wrapping it up - so I'll likely be up until 2AM, and I have a 8:30 (AM) class later. I have had and continue to have sleep problems, including occasional insomnia. Clearly, I am a hypocrite, and irresponsible at that :p.

@hyena: I could tell you what was in the NY Times article without even reading it as well. I notice that within the demographic of my university. Needless to say, I don't pay them any mind. I can't stand that trashiness, and its ubiquitous.
DOC: isnt there a shared kitchen or something in your dorm? in Belgium, there are always shared kitchen... Or is there something liek a cheap restaurant of the university?

I had to buy a whole kitchen here, because when you rent appartment in Germany, there often arent any furnitures in there. Which sucks... You either have to buy new ones, or maybe you are lucky that the previous renter doesnt want to keep his kitchen and agree to sell it to you for a fair price.
So for like one week at teh beginning i was here, i had to cook with the microwave (and for 2 persons)... pretty awfull, exept for fresh fish, it cooks wonderfully well in microwave.
@DS: Short answer yes, long answer no. We have a pseudo-kitchen offset from the lounge, but nothing in it works. Its an electric stovetop/oven from when the building was built (1970s) and neither element works. Unfortunately, I would have to go to another residence hall to cook, and that can be sketchy. Also, I don't have a car on campus, and nobody I know well can drive me to the market . This coupled with my lack of finances equals a lot of crappy cafeteria food. Its different in the apartments, but I have to be a third year to get into those.

I can only imagine eating out of a microwave. Admirable, though, at least you got some decent food out of it. I am not a fan though...
Whatever happened to those small ovens/grills with the eyes on top, that are the size of a microwave?? We get them in Greece, i'm sure the civilised world can get them too.. My friend has one that is a million years old and she cooks pretty decent meals in/on it (though there's a chance they're pre-cooked from her home and she just warms them up).