The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

i'm listening to a mish-mash of new bands on epitaph and feeling increasingly perplexed. the label is apparently over its pure emo phase (thank god) and is only signing bands that sound like a mix between strike anywhere and rise against. why people who followed epitaph back in the 90s should be interested in that escapes me entirely, but well, at least the business is successful...
i'm listening to a mish-mash of new bands on epitaph and feeling increasingly perplexed. the label is apparently over its pure emo phase (thank god) and is only signing bands that sound like a mix between strike anywhere and rise against. why people who followed epitaph back in the 90s should be interested in that escapes me entirely, but well, at least the business is successful...

Name a few who sound like Rise Against, I might want to check them out.
Ghhh, apparently I have to call my broadband company or my
broadband connection will go up in price, that is pretty fucked
considering they have been offering a faster connection for
cheaper to new customers and haven't bothered calling me
about that shit. Wankers.
Name a few who sound like Rise Against, I might want to check them out.

The first that comes to mind is Our last night. Mind you, they're not as good as Rise Against per se, but the style is similar. Also, if you don't know Strike Anywhere you should get something by them. Finally, there is a defunct band called The Prisoner's Dilemma that wrote music in that vein; I think they have an EP out, can't remember how it's called.
Why did You come back

I don't know
You don't know

I don't mean that I don't know
What do You mean

I mean that there was no real reason for me to come back here
It's just that ... this place ... has something
I don't know the name of it ...
I don't know if it's a good thing ...
I doubt it's a true thing ...
I don't even know if I like it ...
I felt that I had to come back and look at it -
Aywe, happy new year to all.

Im finally at my brother's new place and it's awesome, as in very nice, Im drunk we jsut got done cleaning after the party we through which was a great success. Hope everyone has gotten as hammersed as I am.

snippets from a few personal profiles of a popular dating site:

- "I have a passion for turtles".

- "Live life without limits, because we don't know how much time God gave us".

- "According to the judgement women give of me, I am very very cute, passionate, cultivated, sensitive and sweet".

- "Be honest, sincere, and always yourself. I cannot tolerate weakness of character, mental weakness leads to drastic errors".

- "A Harley, a beer, good friends, heavy metal and a beautiful woman: what more do you want from life?".

I'm tempted to be partial to the heavy metal guy, but really, no wonder online dating doesn't work. :rolleyes:
These things seem rather civilized in comparison to what you can read on some online dating sites (esp. those for younger "clients").

But yeah, the heavy metal guy sounds down-to-earth. Isn't it funny how much even these short lines reveal about their author?
These things seem rather civilized in comparison to what you can read on some online dating sites (esp. those for younger "clients").

This is an optical illusion due to the fact that I translated the lines from Italian and forgot to include the awful grammar. :lol:

By the way, the collective and unhealthy Carla Bruni ossession of my friends continues. Last night, just when I had started to think that she wouldn't be mentioned, someone raised the issue of possible botox injections, and everyone was lost for at least one good hour. :p And it was a different set of friends from the one of Friday night. What got into them all?
snippets from a few personal profiles of a popular dating site:

- "According to the judgement women give of me, I am very very cute, passionate, cultivated, sensitive and sweet".

Sensitive, sure. Last night's party @ my keyboardist's with a bunch of friends (all men), had to be recorded and placed on youtube, didascaliated as follows: "your boyfriend thinks this way too".

The "sc..w her and toss her out" philosophy, be a bastard and you ll get the job done (sad & true). I missed the clothing and cosmetic bubbling for once...

2008, way to go human kind. And DT feels deep..."I raise my hand against it all"!

From a true DT newbie, happy new year to you all ;)
Oh sheesh, you know, when I was younger, I had so much fun browsing these profiles and finding mistakes. Not just plain grammatical ones. Those are boring. I'm speaking of semantic or orthographical blunders which create a whole new (and unintended) meaning. But best of all are those texts which reveal the author's lack of intellectual abilities. ;)

Had to look up Carla Bruni, who was hitherto unknown to me.

And now I have to suck some words out of my fingers (a rather direct translation of a German idiom), since I have to write this silly reflective paper about my teaching experience at school (and it has to be 20 pages). Ah! Useless drivel, really.
Had to look up Carla Bruni, who was hitherto unknown to me.

Oh my. I'm sorry about that. Didn't mean to catapult her into your life too. :p

And yes, I see what you mean about the silly profiles. I used to have a blog where I'd post the most stupid and comment on them, but then I didn't have time.

Good luck for your writing - I'm supposed to work as well, so I should stop wasting time online, but I really don't feel like it.
Me neither. So, here I am, willingly distracted. I find it so frustrating, if I have to force myself to write up something meaningful. I sit and stare at the blank page, and then I grow angry when I think of all the other useful stuff I could do. But then my conscience slips in and tells me I have to get the work finished, since it won't just go away by not thinking about it (unfortunately). But today, I don't feel like writing anything clever (or anything at all, that is). Sigh, the things I could do! Put on new strings (haha), read a book, go to the gym, tidy my room (double hahah) or socialize (i.e. post here). Humph. I got the cover sheet, the table of contents and the first paragraph already. Way to go. Maybe in two hours, I'll have three more sentences, and then I can call it a (successful) day.
Your gym is open today? Lucky, lucky man.

I'll try to work now, but I don't anticipate groundbreaking successes.

I want beers, but everything is closed. Meh.