The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

Taste is taste, i cant enjoy Opeth and they re a legend, it's just me and i m aware of it. Out of curiosity, do you like Between The Buried and Me? In case you dont know them, yes, they re from USA, and no, they are not metalcore but amazing progressive stuff.

YOU DON'T LIKE OPETH!?!? BLASHPHEMY!!! haha j/k it's cool. I love BTBAM, they will be touring with Opeth next year! Oh and UneXpect is touring with Nile next year also.
Nf: GREAT!! Finally got to the new gym I joined about a month ago and it's better than I actually first anticipated. Open 24hrs + a free internet cafe, although it's more of an internet counter than cafe. I have my various tests to get into academy in about a month, it's crunch time :).

Nf: GREAT!! Finally got to the new gym I joined about a month ago and it's better than I actually first anticipated. Open 24hrs + a free internet cafe, although it's more of an internet counter than cafe. I have my various tests to get into academy in about a month, it's crunch time :).

Sounds like a dream gym to me :) Mine's still in the living room - it's FUCKING COLD outside... and inside, too.

Moving the fuck out to NYC.
- Enslavement of Beauty
- Symphonic Metal
- Norway
- Mere Contemplations 2007 (six years after sophomore effort Megalomenia, 2001)
- although it's from norway, black are only the vocals. lyrics: "the poetry is inspired by Edgar Allan Poe, William Shakespeare and the Marquis de Sade"
nf: yet again amused by the news. a few months ago, a young woman was killed, and her then-boyfriend is now the prime suspect. the investigations are proceeding slowly for lack of substantive evidence. to my definite puzzlement, the other day one of our major papers had a title along the lines of "chiara rumored to have called a clairvoyant on the telephone", chiara being the name of the murder victim. note that this was a national broadsheet, not a rag that normally publishes stories about people being abducted by aliens, although the dividing line between the two categories is thinner here than in other countries. that was bad enough, but today we learn that "rumors of chiara's phone call to clairvoyant have been debunked". surprise. :rolleyes:
i m so happy not to reed "our major papers" anymore...i miss italian press & politics sooo much. Murders naaah, it say nudity above, can i please you with some? Just...not mine LOL

Mind you, the victim in the case hyena mentioned was ugly as sin. But it's irrelevant whether she consulted TV clairvoyants or read the entrails of fish, and if the press chooses to have a field day with these rumours it should be their business, not the police. They used to work for different purposes.
While reading this, here it comes "She Dies" by the way, doesnt the press manipulate the entire world in almost every aspect? Take music, it d be orgasmic to see Stanne on prime time news as "best metal singers special", but no, Fito & Fitipaldis (for all i know a F1 pilot and his gay husband) and more people get addicted to real good music, cause we re the unbalanced metalheads in black clothes listening to noise.
by the way, doesnt the press manipulate the entire world in almost every aspect?

Yes, but so does everybody else. I think demonizing the media is, well, a media scam. ;) They certainly offer an interpretation of reality, which is bound to happen since it's a necessary part of communication, really. The problem might be with the quality of the interpretation: events are often reported without any understanding of what they mean, not to mention abysmal expressive skills. But I don't really think they're running some Orwell-ian operation to willingly manipulate the facts all in the same way. So if you were saying there is a distortion, I agree, but if you were saying they have an agenda, I don't.

Take music, it d be orgasmic to see Stanne on prime time news as "best metal singers special", but no, Fito & Fitipaldis (for all i know a F1 pilot and his gay husband) and more people get addicted to real good music, cause we re the unbalanced metalheads in black clothes listening to noise.

Maybe it's because you're an unbalanced metaller, but don't you think this is a little extreme? I mean, it's mostly myth that listening to unpopular music makes you the devil in the eyes of middle-class John Smiths everywhere... and prime time news is concerned with what a lot of viewers like to watch: they don't want to watch Mikael Stanne, but I doubt this should be taken as an offense. Those who are interested in Mikael Stanne are satisfied with what they read from/about him on the Internet (or special interest magazines) and would hardly be a good audience for tales of love, donations to charity, or shoplifting involving him.
Not to mention that if "good" music were on the news hundreds of listeners would suddenly decide it's not that good anymore.
But I don't really think they're running some Orwell-ian operation to willingly manipulate the facts all in the same way. So if you were saying there is a distortion, I agree, but if you were saying they have an agenda, I don't.

Preaching to the quier (mispelled i bet), i m not communist or antiBerlusconian, he s a funny smiling little man, much better than the "dogs with rage" on the other side. Fini rules
Maybe it's because you're an unbalanced metaller

"I wont stand to be disparaged...pok pok pokipsi" (from Ally McBeal) thanks for the compliment, flatterer :)
Preaching to the quier (mispelled i bet), i m not communist or antiBerlusconian,

Well, they didn't manufacture a great media conspiracy either. (Also, choir).

I ll let everyone else reply to this, i dont know where you live...Gothenburg probably :rolleyes:

Nobody I know cares what kind of music I listen to. Most actually have a positive opinion about the fact that I like something enough to look for specific sides of it instead of just going with whatever is popular. I would say it's not a question of geography, but demographics, but if I remember correctly you're not exactly a teenager either, so I'm left with asking you: people around you really mind that you listen to metal? I'm not talking about strolling around the park with long hair and badges that say "Necrotubular" or "Pazuzu" or inverted crosses, because I'd call that juvenile, but the music. Be honest.
Well, they didn't manufacture a great media conspiracy either. (Also, choir).

Nobody I know cares what kind of music I listen to. Most actually have a positive opinion about the fact that I like something enough to look for specific sides of it instead of just going with whatever is popular. I would say it's not a question of geography, but demographics, but if I remember correctly you're not exactly a teenager either, so I'm left with asking you: people around you really mind that you listen to metal? I'm not talking about strolling around the park with long hair and badges that say "Necrotubular" or "Pazuzu" or inverted crosses, because I'd call that juvenile, but the music. Be honest.

I agree with everything you said, but like to add a little of my own thoughts to this. There are always radical people who looks down on anyone different. This is true in music as well as religion! But, most people are open to different things and simply won't care. It's not like people are superstitious anymore. A very long time ago, people was superstitious to everything and this followed on to our era. However, it's a myth now as Rahvin pointed out. And besides, if anyone does care, they are a narrow-minded person and not worth of anyone's attention. Of coarse, I only read a little and this may have already pointed out, and if so, I apologize. Simply wanted to add my own thoughts to the matter.

I spent more than half a year living in rural Oklahoma and many people there DO think metal is the music of the devil and the family I lived with there wasn't happy at all that I listened to it.
I spent more than half a year living in rural Oklahoma and many people there DO think metal is the music of the devil and the family I lived with there wasn't happy at all that I listened to it.

I'm glad ScandinaviaMetal replied to support my views before this, because somehow I was sure someone would comment with his/her own bad experience, which I contend is merely circumstancial. Unpleasant, but not evidence of widespread prejudice. For starters, living with people who want to have a say in the kind of music you listen to is something that mostly happens when you're young. Strict (or even dumb) parents/relatives/hosts may also impose a curfew on their kids or young ones under their responsibility, but I don't see how this implies that staying out late is frowned upon by an average member of society. Furthermore, like the poster before you pointed out, they were probably the kind of people prone to condemn a wide number of behaviors and pastimes they don't agree with: as common as they might still be in rural Oklahoma, they're really not a benchmark for anything other than seclusion.

In short, ok, idiots abound, but it doesn't seem to me they're specifically out to get you because you listen to metal.
I spent more than half a year living in rural Oklahoma and many people there DO think metal is the music of the devil and the family I lived with there wasn't happy at all that I listened to it.

Man how that does suck. The whole Bible Belt South is really a crappy place to live (as I've stated before). You need to come some where in the North :). I promise the only religious nuts here are taken with a grain of wheat.

NF: Confused. I just got done with a small after work workout and I've noticed the gym plays mostly classic rock over the PA. Never been to a gym that plays Rush after The Beatles.