The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

What in the world are you talking about? He's 22, so not a teenager since 2004 or something. Please base your lame jokes on fact, thank you in advance.

Bad mood boss? I m told i ve a great ability to piss off people, but that wasnt a joke.

I overextended teenage range, my fault, but i d hardly call a 22 year old a man, he s pretty much an old boy. The *bow* part was for the "metal isnt considered an art" which of course is.

The "not qualified" was my provokation that most people actually stop listening to metal before hitting 30 and he might still be the "kid revolting against all form of authority", especially considering his "melodic" taste :p

In case you felt the need to defend him (honorable), we ve become friends, basically thanks to the bands we dislike (Opeth, Hammerfall...), cause we dont have any in common, but sometimes it works the other way around :lol:

I dont wanna try your patience, nor i want to be banned, I ll behave and I ll try to make myself clear without missspelling too much :)

Rampage, Suwat and tricky Siren, i already love this place
I wasn't so much defending him as pointing out your post didn't seem to make sense. Now that I read your explanation... it still doesn't, to be honest. Not that you should worry about being banned or anything just because I don't "get" you, of course: look at LBRH! I pretty much think he's wasting bandwidth with every message but I let him go on with his crusade to destroy the environment, the English language and his own dignity mostly undisturbed. It's perfectly ok to piss me off.
Now that I read your explanation... it still doesn't, to be honest. Not that you should worry about being banned or anything just because I don't "get" you, of course: look at LBRH!

Rampage talked like an old man "eh those teenagers against the system" while he s barely out of it, if my explanation dont explain well, i m not surprised, i m used to worse.

Who's LBRH? Nevermind, i dont wanna know and i hope i ll never find out or i ll waste my connection in vain as well (not that my msgs makes more sense).

So you re italian...where exactly from?
Rampage talked like an old man "eh those teenagers against the system" while he s barely out of it, if my explanation dont explain well, i m not surprised, i m used to worse.

I think I sort of got that (now), I'm just perplexed about the "you're not qualified" bit because you didn't say what he wasn't qualified for and I assumed it was "raging against the system" or something. Oh well, who cares.

So you re italian...where exactly from?

The stunning and absolutely charming city of Torino! Just kidding, it's not that great.
Wooohooo. Bashing newbies (I really have been here foreeeeeeeever)

Who's LBRH? Nevermind, i dont wanna know and i hope i ll never find out or i ll waste my connection in vain as well (not that my msgs makes more sense).

You just don't want to know him because he is a bisexual you bastard. Always pretending here you are oh so liberal but then hating someone because he doesn't mind having some fun with the same gender. It is because of people like you we live in an intolerant society. It is because of people like you, people like Bush are elected by people like idiots who enable him to attack people like Iraqis.
You want to know what I think about you? You wanna know what is going on in my brain when I think about people like you? You really want to hear it don't you? Well, here it is:

@ LBRH: No offense meant to you. I don't mind your presence here at all.
@ Rahvin: You just have to tell me dwarves have huge penises and you can bet I am on your side.

@ fingers: the smiley is not gay. He is just a bit ... erm ... uuuuuh ... how do you call it when men make love with each other?
*thinkthinkthink* Anal! The word was Anal!!!111
The smiley is anal, not gay.
@marduk: so you see what i meant on the other thread about the p-word needing not to be taken lightly. :p

nf: oof, i am competing for a promotion this year and thought the selections were in april, turns out they are going to be at the end of february. study time! :rolleyes:
Yeah, I guess I'm barely out of my teenage years and you can easily assume that'll get over metal in a couple of years because I'm still angry at whatever "old boys" are angry about.

I know myself quite well and I'm pretty sure I'm not listening to metal because of this anger anymore. Of course, some years back (gee, now I sound like an elderly) when I first delved in metal's (or heavy music) country, I was listening to it on sole angst and frustration basis. Back then, my bands included Linkin Park, Limp Bizkit, Static-X, Spineshank and Slipknot. Now I got tired of these bands because I realized one day that they are not exactly that good. More like a bunch of idiots if you ask me. Then, about 5 years ago, I upgraded to In Flames and the likes which led me to DT and then more experimental groups, black metal and various other sub-genres.

I don't like metal in the likes of Nightwish and Tristania, simply because it lacks the intensity I'm seeking in metal. For me that's what metal is about: emotions to their extremes and thus intensity is a key for me. If that makes me an angry teen in your eyes, suits you. I just would like to point out that I consider metal as an art and I usually enjoy experimental formations that dare to explore either extremes (like Behemoth or uneXpect) or are ready to break boundaries and merge genres (like DT or Apokatastasia)

I doubt angry teens would find comfort in DT's music since most of them rather consider it emo or stupid, especially if they've heard Projector or Haven.

My conclusion is that we will still bash Opeth and be disgusted with each other's metal preferences in ten years from now. The only difference is that in ten years from now, you'll say that I haven't even had my mid-life crisis yet, so what do I know?

I will however acknowledge the fact that I'm one of the youngest members here, and that makes me the future.
@marduk: so you see what i meant on the other thread about the p-word needing not to be taken lightly. :p

nf: oof, i am competing for a promotion this year and thought the selections were in april, turns out they are going to be at the end of february. study time! :rolleyes:

Good luck with that. You can do it.
and I ll try to make myself clear without missspelling too much :)

explanation, please?

OF: Its cool to have you here. But only because you are older than rahvin and me (and hyena). :p
This comment made me feel young for the first time in centuries. :p

how do you call it when men make love with each other?
The term you're looking for is MSM (men who have sex with men).

nf: oof, i am competing for a promotion this year and thought the selections were in april, turns out they are going to be at the end of february. study time! :rolleyes:
Good luck from me as well. :)
I'm about to reluctantly end my do-nothing period of vacation, so you'll be in good company there (misery loves company).

And to make hyena's day a bit brighter: they were showing on tv Carla Bruni's house in Torino, it's magnificent. :p