The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

NF: Well, it's been foggy for two days in my town now and we never have fog here, so unlike Londoners, I love it!

@hyena: Good luck...we all know you're too good too fail, even with all your insecurities running amok in your psyche. This competition should be a trifle if taken seriously.
I thought I had to share this with you. I just read an article how Aphrodite "came into existence". Here is a text from Wikipedia which tells the same story and even has a reference to one of Plinny's ancestors:
"Foam-arisen" Aphrodite was born of the sea foam near Paphos, Cyprus after Cronus cut off Uranus' testicles and threw them behind him into the sea. Hesiod's Theogony described that the genitals "were carried over the sea a long time, and white foam arose from the immortal flesh; with it a girl grew" to become Aphrodite. This fully grown up myth of Venus (the Roman name for Aphrodite), Venus Anadyomene[10] ("Venus Rising From the Sea") was one of the iconic representations of Aphrodite, made famous in a much-admired painting by Apelles, now lost, but described in Pliny the Elder Natural History.
@rampy: it's the first time that somebody tells me that i'm insecure re work, but well, one lives and learns. personally, i believe that the question is not so much about insecurity as it is about momentary laziness, and it is something i experienced back in 2001 - this feeling of being on a permanent holiday from which i cannot really snap.

@siren: here's the story about dio fa'. dio is god in italian, so we're talking about an expression which borders on blasphemy. before going on, i am going to articulate something that came up once when i was talking with a french friend of mine. contrary to what happens in other european countries, blasphemy in italy is a clear sign of social identification (compatriots, correct me if wrong). once you are past the age of rebellion, ending somewhere between 16 and 20 depending on the person, blasphemous speech is not a sign of coolness anymore in any cirle - it just becomes a giveaway of lack of education. in the case of the specific expression cited by OF, however, this applies only partially, because it's not really a blasphemy, and it is uncomprehensible to anyone outside of piedmont because of its dialectal origin.

well then. dio, as i said, is god. "fa'" is, in this case and according to one of the possible schools of thought, shorthand for "faus". not to be confused with "faust", although there are some wannabe satanists that would have that, "faus" means "fake" as in "liar" or "traitor" in the piedmontese dialect. i have this on good authority because once i spent one morning discussing that with some colleagues coming from the same area. :p

the major dialectal curse in piedmont is "boia faus" which means something along the lines of "lying henchman", and is used in a function similar to "oh fuck" or "for fuck's sake" (expressing impatience) in english. so if you say "dio faus" you are insulting god along the lines of "lying/treacherous god" (heh, couldn't resist the quote :p ), but also you might be implying "fake god" as in "god doesn't exist".

piedmont was hit by a wave of immigrants from southern italy in the 60s. in the south, it's very common to drop the last 2 letters of words and substitute them with apostrophes, with or without additional modifications - ie in rome you would say "anna'" instead of "andare" which means to go, and so on, and the further south you go the more common it becomes, at least with certain words and excluding sicily, where a distinct kind of language is spoken. this applied also to the blasphemous "dio faus", with the hilarious result that people actually started to believe that the expression meant "god makes", which is the literal translation of the italian "dio fa" without any accent or apostrophe, and that it was perfectly legit, which it isn't, but well, linguistic evolution. :p

@the well wishers: THANK YOU!
@rampy: it's the first time that somebody tells me that i'm insecure re work, but well, one lives and learns. personally, i believe that the question is not so much about insecurity as it is about momentary laziness, and it is something i experienced back in 2001 - this feeling of being on a permanent holiday from which i cannot really snap.

Horrible feeling indeed. The use of the word insecurity was inaccurate. I blame this mistake on my lack of ability with Shakespeare's tongue and my tendency to write down automatically which sometimes leads me to the improper use of certain words. Now, to rephrase my previous comment:

Good luck...we all know you're too good too fail, even if you sometime get lost in momentary laziness, as all civil servants do. This competition should be a trifle if taken seriously (considering you rarely take things lightly, I'll assume I made my point).
penis! penis! penis! penis!

(now chant it)

the short words rule is tough on life. if i had to hit on one of you, i would now be stuck with "i love you, matse/siren/jolty". matse is too young, siren cut off her penis, and jolty never had one. how sad!
the short words rule is tough on life. if i had to hit on one of you, i would now be stuck with "i love you, matse/siren/jolty". matse is too young, siren cut off her penis, and jolty never had one. how sad!

Less enthusiastic options include: "I like you", "Wanna date?", "I would look good in your arms", "Time has come for us to eat out at night", and "My, what a swell guy you are!".

Personally, I'd go with Jolty. Even though I've never seen a picture, I'm confident she doesn't have a penis or some penis scars that could instantly repel me.
penis! penis! penis! penis!
matse is too young, siren cut off her penis, and jolty never had one. how sad!

At first I thought Matse was a swede cutie-pie (he's too cute for a man), Siren a woman behaving like a man (we cleared that out) and Jolty a nick for a man (flirting skills ready to put into action, Calgary, might be cold, she ll keep me warm)

And you, penis chanter, you re the yena Pliskin or the yena animal (as if all yenas were women)? Left with doubts, pic not helping, i hereby thank you for not naming me in that group, i dare not risk when it comes to my own capital (it doesnt make province yet) Penis.
i dare not risk when it comes to my own capital (it doesnt make province yet) Penis.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

oh my.

you were not named since your nick is too long. NICK. i said NICK (no, not you, wolf guy).

as for the fact that my pic does not help, i will just say "no way this again". :p

i truly am a gay man. or not.
And to make hyena's day a bit brighter: they were showing on tv Carla Bruni's house in Torino, it's magnificent. :p

I had not seen that! What you have not been told is that the TV show was a prank - the place did not belong to her, but to our mod. In other words, no snow white and all dwarf.
I never thought I would see the day I'd say this, but: at least I'm actually Italian. ;) She isn't.

Isn't she? I know that a while ago women could have dual IDs (not men, until the draft was in place). But I might be wrong. And you know, I have not seen the house on TV, but I still wish it was yours. :)