Regarding the story about other people's judgment, I'd like to first state that living in Canada, land of tolerance (or laziness, call it what you want) I am rarely judged by my peers. Of course, I have short hair, rarely wear metal shirts (I keep those for shows) and don't smoke so at first glance, I'm looking like your average Nickelback listener I presume. However, when people find out what kind of music I'm listening to, the most common reaction is "I never would've imagined that you..." This is because the common belief around here is that metal and other forms of heavier and more aggressive music is solely for teenagers undergoing puberty and thus revolting against all form of authority. Metal is not known as an actual "art".
Usually, I'm not being frowned upon or regarded as sick or deranged but most people simply find it strange that I listen to such music and then go on with their daily lives, caring as less as possible about whatever anyone else could be interested in.
In short, people here mind their business.