The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

It was only part of a student exchange program with which I spent 10 months in the US. I have been back in Germany for more than 1,5 years now and no one here ever bothers me about my music. I know that people in the bible belt tend to be a bit different from other people.
rahvin, your userpic kind of gives me... ideas.

And they SUCK.

Who's the new gay guy on the shitter, btw?

Inbreeding??? WHAT DID I MISS?????????????
I get positively prejudged. I am the rare example of a teacher with a nose piercing, long hair and a beard. In only three months I seem to have built up a reputation throughout my school. Pupils that I haven't even seen before come up to me and ask me with a wistful look in their eyes if I could be their teacher next year (one asked me if I went to Wacken to which I replied "No, because I dislike such vast gatherings."), because 1. I look so cool (they don't say this) and 2. because I am so nice (they do say this, probably founded on hearsay). I feel a bit exotic. ;)

Out on the streets, I always get asked for a fag (BE!). Yes, obviously, I wear a black leather jacket, have long hair and therefore I am a smoker. Never happened to me when (in much younger years) I had short hair and wore shirts.
For starters, living with people who want to have a say in the kind of music you listen to is something that mostly happens when you're young....In short, ok, idiots abound, but it doesn't seem to me they're specifically out to get you because you listen to metal.
Apart from the specific case described by Matse and which rahvin explained accurately, i find it's also a case of annoying people with your music. Most people don't have an ear for metal and think it's just noise, so if you happen eg to live with them and keep cranking up the volume all the time, at some point you're bound to annoy them. If you respect them by not shoving your music in their face, most people will respect you back.
That said, i shove metal in everyone's face when they get in my car, but they hardly ever complain, most of the times they make comments such as "so this is metal?". The occasional "can't you put something else on?" usually comes from friends who know me for years and gets severely shrugged off: my car, my music, the driver needs to be calm. XD On the other hand, people are much more likely to complain about my driving than the music or anything else. :D

I ll let everyone else reply to this, i dont know where you live...Gothenburg probably :rolleyes:
People usually get confused by me, and that's just because they make assumptions. They either start off thinking i'm nice and then discover that i listen to metal and instantly think i must be bad, or they initially think that i'm wild or something because of the metal and then they discover i'm not that bad after all. Or some think that i'm bad regardless of the music i listen to. :p
People usually just don't care. Some get curious and ask questions (i recently dicsovered that a long-time friend started listening to metal and DT because of me). Some who are already familiar with the music give thumbs up. Noone has ever really reacted badly though.
Or some think that i'm bad regardless of the music i listen to. :p

Some + me :p

Anyway, i guess we can all agree that each part of the world brings you a different reality (a black in the US is unnoticed, cant say the same about Italy/Spain), there is no reason to determine a winner over any discussion, even because i d probably lose agains Mr.Orwell-ian operation :notworthy

i wear jeans, a DT sweater and a black coat, and some people do stare at times, not that i mind anymore, as you said, i m old enough to handle it. Maybe it's just because of the tennis shoes, orange nonetheless :lol:

Yena, i ve long hair, long nick and...hi hi hi
"so this is metal?"

And so this is metal
I hope you have guns
The near and the dear one
The old and the young
A very merry metal
And a happy new beer
Let's hope it's a good one
With slaughter and fear
Regarding the story about other people's judgment, I'd like to first state that living in Canada, land of tolerance (or laziness, call it what you want) I am rarely judged by my peers. Of course, I have short hair, rarely wear metal shirts (I keep those for shows) and don't smoke so at first glance, I'm looking like your average Nickelback listener I presume. However, when people find out what kind of music I'm listening to, the most common reaction is "I never would've imagined that you..." This is because the common belief around here is that metal and other forms of heavier and more aggressive music is solely for teenagers undergoing puberty and thus revolting against all form of authority. Metal is not known as an actual "art".

Usually, I'm not being frowned upon or regarded as sick or deranged but most people simply find it strange that I listen to such music and then go on with their daily lives, caring as less as possible about whatever anyone else could be interested in.

In short, people here mind their business.

Next time, I'll try and be born earlier then. Oh and if your puberty was still ongoing at age 22, you might want to consult a doctor. I don't like to be judged or taken lightly because of how many years I've spent eating and breathing. I know that wisdom comes with age and many members here I consider wiser than me because they simply have more life experience but, even so, I believe I am still capable of reflection. However when I express opinions or participate to heated debates and someone wishes to argue or contradict what I have said, I prefer to be presented with reasonable argumentation rather than "you're just a kid" or "shut up pizza-face". Of course, I haven't been discarded from any argumentation on such basis on this forum and it's not exactly a problem in my daily life since I'm now old enough and I've always been considered mature for my age.

However I would consider reasonable for one to say to a younger boy or girl (say 6-8 years old) that they're too young when said kid asked what genocide means. Another possibility would be to explain in simple words or in lightly fashion (using Shrek action figures or something) the meaning of the word.

@OF: I know you were just kidding but I felt like sharing some thoughts. Besides, in ten years I'll be an old fart, you dry bones.
Just wait the weather will change, I'm about 350 miles from You
It's sunny now and in the 70's F.
I was fishing today only wearing shorts and a tshirt
ain't life a beach -

Yeah, this week is something else: 60F today, around that and may be higher tomorrow (was 30F couple days ago :)
Best fucking show:


Started with Season 3 early last year, just finished Season 4, bought 1 and 2... gotta get HBO :S