The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

Sal: Regarding Anonymous, I agree with you. I'm glad to see that there are intelligent people out there who care about people (in the sense of wanting to do away with mind control). I hope they continue to be successful.

rahvin: Sorry to hear about your car. When such things happen, I know what you mean about the worst part being immaterial.

We've had an unusually mild winter in NY, I think. I was in Colombia since December, through the first week of February. I expected it to be freezing cold when coming into NY, like a typical February, but it wasn't at all. And I was told it hadn't even snowed this winter yet! (Now it finally did last week, but it lasted less than a day on the ground)
How has the winter been in other parts of the Northern Hemisphere?
I expected it to be freezing cold when coming into NY, like a typical February, but it wasn't at all. And I was told it hadn't even snowed this winter yet!

That's kinda true. I know I'm not in the city (pretty damn close, but we already had that conversation :p), but depending on when in December you left, we had snow on the ground for four or five days before my last semester ended. However, it was less than an inch or so, and mostly on grass/non-walkways. Largely, you are correct though, we haven't had any serious accumulations yet. I do love snow, so that's disappointing. FWIW, South Jersey has been even worse, warm and mostly rain.

@Siren: Its colder than that here, right now (yet another old conversation). And no one cares. :p
Btw, i need suggestions for carnival dress-up. I have not decided what to do yet, i generally go for simple things that can be achieved with what i already have. I was leaning more to the black-metal thingy i did a few years ago (specific corpsepaint suggestions with pictures are more than welcome) or some kind of punk style, but i'm open to more diverse suggestions as well.
The winter here (about 60km north of the Alps) has been normal as far as temperature goes, but we had very little snow (that means only for one or two weeks several inches and a couple of times less than that). Nothing really extraordinary though.

@ Siren: There is an Eastasian (something like Taiwanese or Japanese) band called Chthonic who have a more triballike approach to corpsepaint. Maybe you will find something there you might like:
@Matse: thanks! very very interesting! i do like a couple of those patterns (though i suppose they will be hard to make and my result won't be as good). i have always wondered what materials are used to make corpsepaint, i guess i'll have to google that.

* Also remember, The people who do Corpsepaint are NOT considered goth. Gothic fashion is very different from "Black Metal" fashion. If you are applying corpsepaint because you want to look goth, then you are doing this for a WRONG REASON.


I hope we will see some pictures on the forum with you wearing nothing but corpsepaint.

edit: ;) especially have a look at the girls toplist. Sorry for ruining your day if you do.
@Matse: Yeah i read that already, but i have no idea what "white heat" might be. I should start hanging out with black metallers i guess. As for wearing nothing but corpsepaint, i would have to find someone to apply it as body paint to me first. :p
I would have some spare time tomorrow afternoon, if you don't mind. Just drop by.

As for white facepaint, you should go to a carnival store or wherever they sell costumes and buy a clown-facepaint-package. That should work perfectly. Here you can get that white facepaint for kiddies who want to dress up as clowns in almost every supermarket around this time of the year.
I've seen those paints, might try them out, but i'm a bit reluctant to (they might cause skin problems and i have sensitive skin). I might just work with the white powder+eyeshadow i have, it worked decently last time.

What time is it ok for you?
I will be at home at about 13:35 GMT +1 (=CET). If you would like to dine with my mother and me you should be here at about 13:45. If not just show up any time you want to during the afternoon. You can stay for the night as well if you want to.
I don't think I have to post my address here since it is well-known amongst all of mankind.
I'm not sure if it is proper for me to meet your mother just yet. It might give her the wrong idea about me.
Nah, poor woman. We will just stay in your room. I will climb from the window if i have to.
This picture is two years old. We had a lot of snow that year. Hope it is self-explanatory.


They didnt. Obviously, the account is still there.
Yea, that's what they do. They're just making clear they wont post anymore.
Some people put it in their sig, others in the name.

To clarify in addition to what LaRocque correctly pointed out: hyena did not ask to have "GONE" before their username, and LBRH didn't either. It's a way for the site administrator to indicate a certain account (with too many posts to delete) is not active any longer. The users had nothing to do with it.
@Matse: Haha your picture amused me. Plus you have a pretty house :)

@Siren: Do let us know what you decide on, and some pictures would be good, but in a less sinister manner than that by which they have already been requested :p

I went for a 10 mile walk in the peaks today. Ended in Bakewell for traditional bakewell pudding. It was amazing. The weather was fantastic; cold and frosty in the shade but warm in the sun with not a cloud in the sky.
@Matse: This got the best of my curiosity: what locale is the sign referring to? I know its German, and I recognized the first part of the word (something in reference to education, right?), but not the second. Does this belong in the translation thread? Too lazy to figure it out today...
@Matse: There is a sign in front of your house. However, i don't do ladders, mostly because i cannot stabilise them on trees. You will either have to distract your mom while i enter through the back door or drop me your long beautiful hair. Or your long beautiful sheets, whatever works for you.

@kittie: Sure. I will put little Xs in all the naughty places. :p
Looks like summer has arrived to my city. 36° centigrade today. new record for winter time in this infernal place.

I don't want to imagine what the "real" summer months will be like. Record's around 46° or so. I wouldn't be surprised if this year it gets up as much as 50°.