The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

For the tone of the last few posts, I thought someone had died. Perhaps it is due to some difference when using the word in english, but never heard anyone give the condolences for a broken window, before.

Anyway, if it was an ipod 30+ Gb what you lost in the incident, then it did hurt, indeed, it is not cheap. As for the broken window, I had the same situation last year, I forgot to hide the plastic support of my GPS, so the thief guessed that the GPS was inside, which was pretty much a well rationalized association, and coincidentally true. So, no GPS anymore.

However, and this was the luck shining in my sky, I also left the car radio there, in an act of faith and trust for humanity. My faith payed back, since the radio was surprisingly lying on the seat of the driver. Yay! :)

@Kittie: I think your face is beautiful, don't mind these people, they don't understand beauty. :)

I can't hold it back any longer. Its terrible. I mean, I think its terrible compared to Come Clarity, not to mention their older works (which now sound like a different band entirely). I mean, honestly, its technically simplistic, boring, and uninspired. I listened to it a few times to let that first impression wear off, but it didn't get any better. It is a little catchy, though, but that's about it.

Oh well.

@ Matse: Regarding your post in the Valentine's Day thread: Thanks :p. Didn't think about that until after the fact (even if you were being sarcastic :p).
There wasn't any sarcasm in the comment about your avatar (what is sarcasm anyways, I have never heard of it), but maybe I overexaggerated a little bit. I like it though.
@matse: Thanks again. In retrospect, it was most likely my over-analyzing it. I could explain my line of thought, but its generally disinteresting, and is easily summarized by the previous sentence.

I'm so boooored. Weekends at uni suck, when I don't have work and all my friends go home. Such a common problem, but such an annoying one.
First it was hyena is GONE, now its GONE Ridin' Hood
If a forum member wants to leave that's their choice but why delete the account?
Just don't post any longer. Maybe they would change their mind and post again, I know I did.
As I recall Claudia said Daniel was her's(don't remember the theme of this statement)
so maybe they are living happily ever after in GONEville -
LBRH left too? I will agree with La Rocque on one thing, i don't see the point of deleting accounts.
Hyena is now called GONEHyena. At least that is the name appearing next to her older posts so maybe she will rename it someday.
I am just wondering about LBRH. He didn't even say goodbye. It seems like the forum is shrinking a little bit right now, but I bet it will rise again like Phoenix from the ashes.
@DoC: Use the time to get stuck into a good book? :)

Great suggestion, but I'm already an avid reader :p. Ironically enough, I was reading while you wrote that. Its that sometimes it feels like there aren't enough hours in the day, and then there are too many, and I'm looking to waste time. A little normalcy would be nice (but doesn't everybody think that?).

I worked from 10PM-4AM (friday night into saturday morning) and from 8AM-12PM (I just got off). I got around three hours of sleep. I'm not even tired. Should I be? (also, not bitching about my hours, I need the money - I'm bitching about not being tired when I should be :p)

About members leaving: I would expect more witty plays on the name from the moderators. As far as deleting the accounts go, or lack thereof, it just seems semantical to me. Doesn't make a difference in the long run, they can always re-register and the only thing lost is a post count, which is easily inflated. I think the situation requires some time, especially when long-time members go (which this board is unusually full of, it seems). Regardless, there ought to be a turnover and new members will join, as long as Dark Tranquillity continues to excel. Really, this "board revival" is dependent purely upon the musical efforts of DT. Put all the pressure on them :p.
We're getting a blast of cold all over the country. It's funny to see how the media panics, 200 cars and 7 buses get stuck on the road to a snow center, and the police bans/warns against travelling on big national roads, all because the thermometer goes down to between +2 and -4.
They didnt. Obviously, the account is still there.

I would like my account to be deleted. If possible, I would also like all my posts to be removed (I only post in one board, Dark Tranquillity). Thank you!

I can't remove that many posts because it would leave too many holes in conversations. I will disable the account and change the name though.

When GONE is in front of an ID that means that account is GONE as in they are no longer part of UM -