The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

I am sorry to hear that and wish you more luck in the future. The best thing for you to do now is go to another random car and make sure the voice of justice is heard (and seen).

Looking at that smiley two floors upstairs again after having a good beer and eating I see now that it doesn't reflect the depth and humour of those "your mother" jokes that can cause a lot of laughter if spoken out in the right situation. Therefore I am taking back previous statements and declare the smiley as stupid and dumb. There is only one true smiley.
I am sorry to hear that and wish you more luck in the future. The best thing for you to do now is go to another random car and make sure the voice of justice is heard (and seen).

Thanks. Well, being the law-abiding citizen that I am I'm going to buy a new iPod instead. It's supposed to make me feel better, and it's probably going to be some sort of Valentine's day present. But I will consider suggesting spending a romantic night raiding my neighbors' cars, I promise! ;)

I see now that it doesn't reflect the depth and humour of those "your mother" jokes that can cause a lot of laughter if spoken out in the right situation.

There is no right situation. You live in a world that does not exist, based on the Internet circa the year 2000 and there's a strong possibility you like this movie. Seek professional help asap.
No, I do not live in a world that does not exist. I should explain though that I have quite a different idea of those jokes than most have since I developed a new kind of them with my friends and they have to follow certain rules. Because if those rules are not followed they become ordinary "yo Momma" MTV jokes and about those I agree they are definitely not funny.
Yeah, that's a bitch; but even if you don't park in the street - car safety isn't guaranteed. A guy I know, he owns Audi A6... well, he didn't pay for it obviously... anyway, he parked it at the parking lot at the Hammerfall concert, and someone broke window and stole some things.

I know love for Hammerfall must be punished, but that's such a nice car... even though it's yellow.

Such things - parking in the city - will be #1 reason which will hold me off from buying my own vehicle (MINI!!!) I can always rent a spot in the garage though...
@rahvin: i'm sorry about your car.

@Matse: teach us the way of the mother jokes. please.
Yeah, that's a bitch; but even if you don't park in the street - car safety isn't guaranteed. A guy I know, he owns Audi A6... well, he didn't pay for it obviously... anyway, he parked it at the parking lot at the Hammerfall concert, and someone broke window and stole some things.

I make a point of removing more or less everything from my car when I park in an unfamiliar place, especially if I'm going to a show or festival [and I would make a point of removing my brains if I ever went to a Hammerfall show, of course] but my usual parking spaces are fairly protected. For instance, I have private parking at work, and my girlfriend's place has a garage area. The 3-4 blocks around my house in town are also safe enough, because there must be some unspoken rule among the local criminals not to disturb the residents' vehicles. The other day I got home from work at an unusual time and had to park a little farther away. I guess when the local crackheads spotted the car they didn't recognize it as belonging to someone from the area. I'll have to get accustomed to take everything from the vehicle each and every time I get home.
Yeah, that's pretty much rule of thumb: I see people take out detachable faceplate from their CD player in the car even if they leave it for 10 minutes, but some just want to cause trouble, like "This motherfucker didn't leave anything for us - there goes the windshield, rear view and side mirrors, I'll scratch hood and shit in the back seat".
@Matse: teach us the way of the mother jokes. please.

It is situational comedy that depends a lot on the people around you and to tell you about it would make the jokes seem boring and stupid. I am too shy to embarass myself with that here :p:.
@Rahvin: My condolences for that unfortunate event. I'm glad nothing of serious value was lost, except maybe trust. Still, I must insist that if you retaliate, homes usually have much more valuable goods. ;) Besides, if you get caught, you could emphatically reply you really needed that cup of sugar, because you're diabetic (what they don't know can't hurt them). And why go tit-for-tat when you can cause irrevocable psychological damage along with massive financial gain (the two go hand in hand of course).

EDIT: Yo Momma jokes are so Sixth Grade. Haven't you two graduated to gratuitous cursing as a form of entertainment?
@rahv: sorry about that. here we have a lot of problems with that just about everywhere we go. the same thing has happened to a couple of friends, also because of really unimportant stuff they left in the car seats. so it's advisable to put everything in the trunk, even if it's just a sweater or a CD or something. I normally do that; I'd feel uneasy if I left anything in a visible place.
@Rahvin: Sorry to hear about your car. My brother had his windscreen smashed the other week, they didn't take anything, someone just walked down with the street with a bat or something and smashed about 6 or 7 windscreens.
Some people make me so angry :mad:
@Rahvin: Sorry to hear about your car. My brother had his windscreen smashed the other week, they didn't take anything, someone just walked down with the street with a bat or something and smashed about 6 or 7 windscreens.
Some people make me so angry :mad:

Wow, sounds fun :D

Insurance pays for that anyway.

Don't have insurance? Ouch...
Thanks for the empathy, people. My car is back with a brand new window I didn't pay for, so I cannot complain too much. Your advice is indeed wise and I'll follow it to the letter from now on. Take comfort in the fact that next time they break into my car I'll be a blubbering idiot whining to the police officer "But... but... This cannot be! I did everything the Dark Tranquillity forum said I should!" :)