The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

If all hyena's and Siren's posts were deleted, that would cut this thread to, like essential 30 pages. And would REALLY clean up the database.

If all hyena's and Siren's posts were deleted, that would cut this thread to, like essential 30 pages. And would REALLY clean up the database.

All of those 30 being Rahvin's material? :p

@Rahvin: I was talking about the impression of this board being in that idle state you talked about, probably due to lack of people spending their time here, since I don't see many active posters around. So I guess newcomers are on their way here, just... they travel in bycicle and have no map. :rolleyes: Don't think many people are unhappy with the current situation.

In short, this is how i feel: I'm against anyone leaving this forum. Ever.

Explains the happy little note on my myspace.

Apparently I never did check the little box to get email notifications, so I missed out on meeting Claudia, which sucks, since having read back a single page in this thread, shit's gone down.

Anywho. Not back forever, but perhaps for a while.

Seems like everyone is having a great day. QRV is telling LBRH to piss off and OF comes here just to tell Plintus and Rahvin (I guess he is talking about him, not really sure) he is jealous about their enormous penisses.
Get a prosthesis if you cannot live with it.
Seems like everyone is having a great day. QRV is telling LBRH to piss off and OF comes here just to tell Plintus and Rahvin (I guess he is talking about him, not really sure) he is jealous about their enormous penisses.
Get a prosthesis if you cannot live with it.

Joke's on him, though: if I remember correctly mods cannot be put on ignore.
Joke's on him, though: if I remember correctly mods cannot be put on ignore.

They are like plague :D

Ignore thing is cool: I could always put up with everyone's bullshit, but certain cases have grown annoying. It's not like a good ol' straight insult any longer, it's like long and pointless blather, which is way worse and makes comeback impossible - would one really be able to counter that with anything?

p.s. Unfortunately, people whoknow the answer ARE on the ignore list. Ah, ignorance is a bliss, truly...
and after me the void...I brought new wind to the forum, but u r all blind in belonging :p

I ll keep my reader status, hopefully there will be something decent to read soon. Soon as in Time, as in the album the metal world is waiting to b/y
I am doing great. Still two more days until I have to go to school again. Spring is slowly starting to wake up. I do not have any urgent sorrows. I cannot complain, I guess. Except of course about the horrible fact that not a single band is about to come to Munich or somewhere near me that I would like to see.

edit: I forgot to mention that I am eating gummibears right now and they taste really good.
I'm doing awesome*, i went shopping today and my pocket feels 75€ lighter. I realised that in the last years my spending power has shifted from cds to clothes and cosmetics. This is something the music industry should look into.
*not really.

@Matse: I don't know how your financial and school situation is, but maybe you could make it a point to save up and go to see a show in another country, or some show/festival in another part of your country. Summer could be cool for this and you could combine gigs with vacation.
School is situated all around me until May and then I will be spending all my money with friends on Ibiza. I will just wait till someone comes to Munich. I am very picky about my musical taste anyways so there aren't many bands I really want to see and I can live without concerts anyways.
Maybe after next year (which ends summer 2009) I will be able to do some travelling since I will be earning money for at least 9 months starting in July or August. And then I should be able to decide what I want to study, maybe I will just open a poll here since I know I can trust you to only give me the best advice that will suit my every need. :lol:

edit: @ DoC: How are YOU, Mrs Attention Whore.
@DoC: I'm fine but never been busier...Working full-time, directing a play for students at my former school, preparing an audition for comedy school (yeah, we actually have that here in Québec!). I'm gonna have a 7-day break in May, flying to Ireland and back.