The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

i went to another woman once and she was also annoying... but the men werent...

thats a lot of change, i have been to 3 different gynecos, one in each city where i lived
i've went to 2, both in the same city. i asked a derm for a suggestion once, and interestingly enough she said she couldn't reccomend any female gyno, and told me the name of a male one. :D
so maybe men are better, who knows..

edit: @rahvin; DoC: thanks for the info. i knew there was a strike, but i didn't know that people were fired and about the plot complications. somehow i figured that plots would just pick up from where they stopped. little did i know.
@hyena: leave? where were we going? :D i have to study, so i'm afraid the lovely men of india and carla will have to wait. the vile side of life.
@hyena: leave? where were we going? :D i have to study, so i'm afraid the lovely men of india and carla will have to wait. the vile side of life.

drat! i have to study too. all of our plans will never come to be, and none of us will visit india to boot. hate exams. :Smug:
drat! i have to study too. all of our plans will never come to be, and none of us will visit india to boot. hate exams. :Smug:
I hear you on that... i feel like fucking crap. I need advice on something, i'll pm you.
Our Archbishop died. I don't really care about the church side of this, but he was a charismatic leader, a man with vision, and a really cool person, especially towards young people. :(
I never understood what the label "alternative" is supposed to stand for. I thought it meant something along the lines of "recorded or distributed by minor labels" but Century Media, Nuclear Blast, Massacre, etc. have dozens of bands signed and records out each year.

So I followed the link back to the definition of alternative rock it says alt. metal is named after and found this:

The term "alternative" was coined in the 1980s to describe punk rock-inspired bands on independent record labels that did not fit into the mainstream genres of the time.

which, like I said, might make sense in the original setting but doesn't really justify the name applied to the likes of DT and other well-established bands.
i think that the term may refer to being a label that does carry one non-pop genre only. so CM and NB would fit as they only have metal, fat wreck would as it only does punk. at least that's how i'd use the word.
The term "alternative" was coined in the 1980s to describe punk rock-inspired bands on independent record labels that did not fit into the mainstream genres of the time.
which, like I said, might make sense in the original setting but doesn't really justify the name applied to the likes of DT and other well-established bands.
Why can't you just accept that DT are underground punks? :p
today a guy at work came out as gay. my boss was a bit taken aback. i fear that he will look at him in a weird way from now on. that would be wrong. i knew the guy was gay, but then again i'm not 50. i think he was cool to come out and tell all, i told him. let's hope he feels ok even if some old farts think he's 'a fag'. i am just sorry as he looks real good.
@hyena: why did he have to come out and say it though? work is one thing and personal life quite another. and how did it happen? did he make an announcement or...? :D sorry for all these questions, i can't picture it.
@siren: thing is - he lives with his bf, they talk on the phone 3-4 times per day, often go out for lunch, and this is seen by all at work; so it was a weird state of being, folks did know but he did not tell. he was tired of lines like "He's a mate". also, we are a close team and go out quite often for pizza or a game of pool, he wants to be able to bring his bf the same way that other guys bring their wives, and have any PDA he wants with him. what did pass is: we were in the midst of a party for his b-day at work, and he said "i am also happy to say that today i have been with my bf for three years". dunno if the date was true, but that's what he said. i think it was a cool idea.
I pop up just a sec to thanks Mr Salami for the inspiration. His diggin out the 80's, which i silently mocked at first, sent me on a melodic death metal roots mission, which so far is proving very interesting ...and of course a quick hello to my concubines :)