The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

Oh please, Mr rawwhine. You have chosen your side of the barricade built by someone else, so spare me this Ive given up hoping bullshit. Ive given up hoping one can actually speak to the deaf ear, so Ive just raised my voice.
Errr... so... what was all the fuss about french can can? I don't dance, but I have a fair amount of confience in my learning skills.

|ng. (who never danced with a duck and a dwarf, it's a fairytale!!!)
no talk of any kind can be had when one goes from "i do not agree" to "you make no sense". that is what went wrong.
Dont you people have work to do or something along the same lines? This argument is retarded, and we should all work towards making the world a better place instead of breaking it apart through petty "you're a stupid head" banter.

N(eternal sap)
Oh, my God... I looked it up and... writting has not two "t"!!! As a matter of fact, it seems it's pretty common, which relieves the pressure of being the only idiot who has no sense of correction:


"Writting is a shockingly common misspelling of writing"

So, I am a shockingly common idiot, which is reassuring in a weird way. I also checked out a mail I sent to a friend yesterday and I wrote "hopingly". Am I seriously reckoning about messing up with the french grammar? :p

Errr... so... what was all the fuss about french can can? I don't dance, but I have a fair amount of confience in my learning skills.

No, he's implying this forum is some terrible oubliette of civil rights since I... uh, moved your posts with both your consents first, or didn't delete hyenny's "fuck off" or something else entirely which I didn't get. So, from somewhere with rules to somewhere confused, unruly. But considering he's in this mood since the old skirmish concerning your girlfriend, I wouldn't infer too much from it.

EDIT: it's possible he considered my evil-cruel-ferocious post the epitome of insult, though. God knows why, but it's possible.
No, he's implying this forum is some terrible grave of civil rights since I... uh, moved your posts with both your consents first, or didn't delete hyenny's "fuck off" or something else entirely which I didn't get. So, from somewhere with rules to somewhere confused, unruly. But considering he's in this mood since the old skirmish concerning your girlfriend, I wouldn't infer too much from it.

Tut tut, youre getting just plain boring here. Your "supporting the Writers Guild" was suspicious enough, but you just cant stop, can you? And you, of all people, are talking about me being in a mood. What are you in then - a menopause? And as for the joke - sorry, there are other people here for explaining punchlines.
T Your "supporting the Writers Guild" was suspicious enough, but you just cant stop, can you?

:lol: I'm sorry, but you're so incredibly full of shit.

TV shows constitute one of my interests and I follow the present situation very closely. I sincerely picked some pretext I know something of to try my skills with this type of writing. hyenny's motives or other people's were not on my mind.

I'm DONE! Ten posts down. :)
no talk of any kind can be had when one goes from "i do not agree" to "you make no sense". that is what went wrong.

Wrong. Totally wrong. First of all, you never said (or implied) you didnt agree, you just kept postulating your theses. Disagreeing requires understanding on the part of who does so (or doesnt), but you havent even tried. Thats where the "you make no sense" comes from. You were just having your own separate "dialogue" without actually giving two cents about |ngenius's problem. Second, it went wrong when you said you were going to flood us with your creativity until certain people said sorry. I didnt mind your exercises up to this point. THEN it went wrong.

rahvin said:
I'm sorry, but you're so incredibly full of shit.

TV shows constitute one of my interests and I follow the present situation very closely. I sincerely picked some pretext I know something of to try my skills with this type of writing. hyenny's motives or other people's were not on my mind.

Cling! Is that the sound a dwarfs bottom makes when it hits the bottom? I guess so, with all that armour, axes and shit.

Man, that was such a low excuse. How can one simply react to that. Youre so full of shit - well, ok? Is there anything easier than saying such a thing? Oh wait, there is one quote that comes to mind - "fuck off". And as for the rest - what can I do? I dont buy that crap.
Second, it went wrong when you said you were going to flood us with your creativity until certain people said sorry. I didnt mind your exercises up to this point. THEN it went wrong.

ok. so it was ok when i did it but did not say why, even if the why in point was there all along and was clear to a good few. this means that facts are just not there until you get them. great.

also, what i said made sense, even if one does not agree on the ideas. give it to read to a third party and they will able to spell the main point out to you.
@hyena: Fixed it! ;)

@marduk: Now that I can use all letters on the menu I can probably give a less constrained reply to your accusations, although they barely deserve to be kept on the board, let alone merit attention. Still.

I think you're a smart and cultivated person and I don't mind your opposition to hyena's opinions at all. Nor do I mind anyone else's. In the "picture thread" incident I talked to |ng in a way that wanted to bridge a gap I felt was completely unnecessary, and probably failed. None of the posts there deserve editing or removal. None of the following posts by hyena - or anybody else - deserve editing or removal. Hyena's desire to go on strike and whatnot makes no difference at all to me: sure, the board has less content if we all only talk about silly things, but nothing much was going on at the time anyway, and I believe if something new comes up we'll all contribute to the best of our possibilities.

While I don't expect you to believe that I didn't temporarily join the constrained writing club to "side" with hyena on anything, it is still true. It wasn't a form of protest against the board, you, or |ng. My mention of the WGA was coincidental (and I'm still not sure what you connected it to... was it because I said "strike"? It didn't cross my mind, I barely remembered hyena saying she was on strike until you mentioned this connection in the post above). I'm affected by the WGA strike, and while I believe they have the right of it, I can't help fearing for the continuity in most shows' storylines.

I'm still more surprised than vexed by your - to put it bluntly - paranoid idea that all the while I was part of some conspiracy to support anyone. I'm surprised because at first I honestly thought you were joking, then I noticed your posts getting increasingly accusatory, and now I realize you're really, well, out of your mind. ;) Seriously, unless somebody hijacked your account, unless there's something going on outside the forum that affects your judgement... I have to form a different image of you as a poster than the one I used to have. Please note among my earlier quotes is one to QRV too. Am I involved in a conspiracy with him as well? Because in that case your message seemed uncalled for as well, and my jokingly putting it together in the chat thread signified something along the lines of "My, aren't we cranky today!" That's because I wouldn't expect something like that from you, and I did NOT realize you were probably up in arms against the whole thread - if you connected it with something other than an honest attempt at discussing-encouraging constrained writing.

I wish there was a way to sort things out without insults, and I guess I'm sorry I said you're full of shit, earlier. I didn't expect you to be so picky since your level of communication on the subject was not much higher, but I apologize, anyway. I meant to say (without "a"s!) that your suggestion was completely unfounded and got a little overexcited.

I'm not going to comment on this here any further, especially considering you seem to have made up your mind already. But I'd like to talk this over: you can PM me or email me or whatever you want. I'll be civil as long as you are.
one more point - i did not think rahve, or siren, or matse, or rampy when he tried with short words, were siding with me per se. this is for real, i did not think that at all. what i did think is that they found the idea of weird rules fun and hence did play with it.
@rahvin: OK. Now that you have bounced back from the bottom, I am going to join you, as I think I have reached yet unexplored lows myself. Im not out of my mind, and you know that. Far from it, actually. To be honest, I didnt want to solve this by ignoring any of you this time. I like this place as much as anyone else whose still around, and I decided to let you know that there are things I dont like. Ive tried to explain to hyena that I dont mind her postulations per se, but I do mind them as means of communication, when its clear that the only thing that matters to her is her thesis (or theory, generalisation, you name it). That was my whole point from the start until now. But as I said, its so fucking hard (see below) to speak to a deaf ear. I didnt declare the war, but when it had been declared, I decided to fight. So I did. And you didnt like it, of course. But although I was rude, I was always making a point, and never got down to "fuck you" nor "youre full of shit". Look, I know you have your reasons for defending (fix it with a more appropriate word if you please) hyena, and that those reasons are pure. I know I would do the same if I were you, no matter what. Its not her cleaning up the garbage, its you again. She probably waits now for |ngenius to say sorry for saying he didnt like her, although that post was probably the best thing this argument has spawned (and she told him to fuck off - which Im sure he will do, and maybe Ill join him). You can call me paranoid, but thats just weak. And please dont use QRV as a decoy. He has nothing to do with this, he only said he should learn swahili to communicate here properly, to which I replied (jokingly) that hes useless, because he rarely doesnt make any sense. I dont recall anything else. To sum it up bluntly, I dont want this forum to turn into a fucking arena for hyenas political games. Im done as well, so I will not pm you.

hyena said:
ok. so it was ok when i did it but did not say why, even if the why in point was there all along and was clear to a good few. this means that facts are just not there until you get them. great.

Oh was it really? To whom was it clear that they should SAY SORRY to you? Isnt this all due to the fact that you always IMPLY something else than you do or say? Does really the whole world revolve around you to the point that it has to consider all the wrongs it has done to you and apologise? These things are maybe FACTS to you, but pure demagogy and fiction to me.

hyena said:
one more point - i did not think rahve, or siren, or matse, or rampy when he tried with short words, were siding with me per se. this is for real, i did not think that at all. what i did think is that they found the idea of weird rules fun and hence did play with it.

You are absolutely right about all of them, but you (and maybe rahvin, but I think Ill trust him). I know it was just fun for them. But you saw it as a sign of support, so you started to feel way too comfortable and decided to push it further with the expectation of an apology. As regards you, this was a political game, and you are as far from being innocent as I am from understanding you. OK, this is really all from me.
But you saw it as a sign of support, so you started to feel way too comfortable and decided to push it further with the expectation of an apology.

just no. i did plan to come out with that after a while, if you and the robot did not catch on with your own head. what the other folks did had zero to do with it.